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Everything posted by markst33

  1. markst33

    Final Flight

    Artist: Mark Stewart; Exposure Date: 2015:12:31 09:46:52; Copyright: Mark Stewart; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D7000; ExposureTime: 1/500 s; FNumber: f/2; ISOSpeedRatings: 100; ExposureProgram: Shutter priority; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 40 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 60 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Macintosh);
  2. markst33

    Gathering Storm

    Hi Rick, this looks a bit underexposed to me. I have no problems with shadows being in shadows, thats what happens in real life. But some of shadows seem to be a bit too dark nearly silhouettes. It would be worthwhile going back to this image and playing a bit with the Levels in Photoshop to boost the image as it is lacking "punch". There's a great sky there which when combined with a well exposed areas and boosted shadows could make a nice shot. One other thing is the 2 bush pillars are cropped so as the viewer can't see the base of them. I always feel that you either show the base of these things or don't show them at all. If you are going to crop anything in a photo amke it a good crop so the viewer know that you did it on purpose and that its not a mistake. Mark S.
  3. Artist: Mark Stewart; Exposure Date: 2015:12:12 17:31:57; Copyright: Mark Stewart; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D7000; ExposureTime: 1/160 s; FNumber: f/6; ISOSpeedRatings: 200; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 48 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 72 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Macintosh);
  4. markst33

    Dog Day Afternoon

    Beautiful light whilst out walking the dog here in Dublin, Ireland
  5. markst33

    Jaded Starlet

    One from a recent shoot here in Dublin
  6. markst33

    Jaded Starlet

    Artist: Mark Stewart; Exposure Date: 2015:12:12 17:12:32; Copyright: Mark Stewart; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D7000; ExposureTime: 1/160 s; FNumber: f/5; ISOSpeedRatings: 200; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 31 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 46 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 (Macintosh);
  7. markst33

    Face Off

    Trying out some tutorials on PS and amending steps to suit my needs. My 11 year old son thought this was the coolest thing I have ever done so praise indeed.
  8. markst33

    Face Off

    Artist: Mark Stewart; Exposure Date: 2015:11:08 13:41:44; Copyright: Mark Stewart; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D7000; ExposureTime: 1/200 s; FNumber: f/6; ISOSpeedRatings: 200; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode; FocalLength: 32 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 48 mm; Software: paint.net 4.0.6;
  9. markst33

    Grand Canal Sunrise

    Grand canal dock here in Dublin. I noticed the way the early morning sun lit this place on my way to work on the Dart(train) one morning. So the next morning I took my camera and jumped off the train and got this.
  10. markst33

    Grand Canal Sunrise

    © Copyright Mark Stewart

  11. markst33

    Fly away!

    Nice composition, however the image itself is slightly under exposed though this is very easily corrected in post processing. The perspective of the church is completely off. It looks as if its about to fall down. This occurs when you use wide angle lens with objects which have straight edges. Again this can be corrected with Photoshop or Lightroom. Mark S.
  12. markst33


    I like the lighting in this shot but I think a tighter crop would help the overall shot as theres a lot of dark unused space to the top and sides of this image. Mark S.
  13. markst33

    To The Manor Born

    Its a hard one. I have found recently that people are only interested in "Nice shot" type of comments and when you give honest feedback where they can improve they get very annoyed and say stupid things like "I don't put my photos up to get feedback" and get annoyed with you. So I have started to only discuss images with people who actually ask me directly for my opinion. I am on a few sites. www.photographyireland.net and www.ephotozine.com as well as here and flickr. I actually find ephotozine to be the best site for critiques (as long as you have thick skin) but I want to learn so I have no issues with people being harsh as long as its warranted and knowledgeable and not just nasty.
  14. markst33

    To The Manor Born

    I agree 100% about critiques drying up but it seems to be across all photography websites. Thanks for taking the time to comment everyone. Mark.
  15. markst33

    To The Manor Born

    A composite comprising of a 1920's themed studio shot with the "servants entrance" of Ardgillan castle out in North County Dublin and sepia'd to give it an authentic aged look. I have been purposefully shooting to build up a library of backgrounds to use as part of composites as I may enter some of these in our monthly competitions and salons and all parts of the image have to be your own work. I wanted to give the impression that she is either about to start work here but has not entered the building or she is leaving employment and has exited the door for the last time - either way its up to the viewer to decide for themselves what is the story of her life.
  16. markst33

    Self Portrait

    Self Portrait a la True Detective style
  17. markst33


    This image got me a place in the finals of the Irish Times Amateur photographer of the year 2015. Last 16 out of 1100 photographers and 7000 images.
  18. markst33


    One of my work colleagues who kindly agreed to allow me to photograph her
  19. markst33

    Good Evening Ladies

    Took me ages to get this. I kept putting the hat on his head and getting ready to shoot, but he kep taking the hat off over the front of his face.........Then after 20+ mins he did this :)
  20. markst33

    Good Evening Ladies

    Exposure Date: 2012:12:21 19:38:18; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D200; ExposureTime: 10/800 s; FNumber: f/4; ISOSpeedRatings: 640; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Strobe return light not detected; FocalLength: 50 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 75 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windows; ExifGpsLatitude: 48 49 48 48; ExifGpsLatitudeRef: R98;
  21. markst33


    Artist: Mark Stewart; Exposure Date: 2013:09:27 21:14:19; Copyright: Mark Stewart; Make: NIKON CORPORATION; Model: NIKON D200; ExposureTime: 1/200 s; FNumber: f/4; ISOSpeedRatings: 160; ExposureProgram: Manual; ExposureBiasValue: 0/6; MeteringMode: Pattern; Flash: Flash did not fire; FocalLength: 50 mm; FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: 75 mm; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Macintosh;
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