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chris hayes

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Image Comments posted by chris hayes

    Old Car...

    Sarah, I like this one alot, I agree to not manipulate shopts like these (or any for that matter). The peeling paint on both the number and the top part is really cool. Thanks for sharing, Chris

    Old Wood....

    Sarah, this one is very nice, the textures are great ! I had to look twice before I relised it was wood. It looks like your becoming comfortable with the new camera, Nice Work. Thanks for sharing, Chris

    Tractor Show 2

    Finally I am able to critique the tractors (after hours of waiting). Nice work Doug, the b&w works well and the vast clouds add that rural aspect. Thanks for sharing, Chris
  1. Phil.., If this image was very noisy you did a great job of cleaning it up. As for the image itself, fantastic. the colors on the bird are great and the snack is perfect. Extremely well seen and captured. Thanks for sharing, Chris




    I spent 3 years in Sweden and thought I recognized the style of biuldings, you have captured part of the country that I always thought unique to this part of the world. Thanks for sharing, Chris


    Awesome Tiger shot, may I ask where you took this, your animal shots are some of the best I have ever seen! Thanks for sharing, Chris

    Swan close view


    Hi Angelo

    Great swan pics, the details are really great, I like the cropping on this one. The exposure is excellent resulting in a really good capture, Thanks for sharing;, chris

  2. Hi Linda

    I like this sign alot, they certainly had alot more imagination back then than the ones who design the strip mall signs today, tell me: is it still functional and does it light up at night ?

    Thanks for sharing , Chris

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