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Image Comments posted by kellen1

  1. Very Good, clean photo, perfect in every way, Something like this might be fun to play with in Photoshop, maybe do a sepia tone or insert a layer behind it, I would put in maybe a war image to contrast with the Patriotism. Just a thought!

    = My Fiancee =

    Very nice warm photograph, although you may not want to cut off the top of her head. I am a beginner too, check out my portfolio, a few months here really helped me. Good Luck! Keep shooting, you have a good eye!

    Desert Rose

    I thought of you when I posted this, it's completely untouched except for the sepia. It looked good in color because you can see the blooms better but some Pnet subscriber has showed me that sometimes subdued shots are much better...who could that be?! hmmmnnn!



    This is truely beautiful, I wouldn't even mind if my husband hung it up, great model and very nice picture. Knitting is not as exciting as it sounds, keep shooting!


    Best Wishes,





    I like this, a nice natural shot, it took me a second to see the man on the wing in the background...there is a lot going on here, it would be nice to have blown up bigger for the a newspaper.




    Hi, I caught this link from Joan's site.


    The sky is very good, and I love the sillouette of the horseman and it somewhow has the feel of a warm or very humid day, (but I have no idea what the weather is like there?)


    I really like the last edit that was sent to you

    I think you wre trying to balance the shot into a diamond shape, which can look good but would sacrifuce some of your lights on the sides.


    My average is only a 4.3 (on a good day) so stop by & tell me what you think sometime, thanks!



    This is a great shot and IMHO stretch marks are not something to be edited out unless you're shooting for Playboy. I can't believe that a woman would be that superficial. Her body is perfect, just the way it is, look at the shape of her breasts, her belly, her beautiful arms and thighs, gorgeous thick hair and cute face. Let's show more real bodies & maybe we will have less women who have image problems...just a thought.
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