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Image Comments posted by kellen1



    Hi, This is a really good photo. Is he or she your dog? If so, you willlove having this shot. I can appriciate how hard it is to capture that special expression. I have a golden retriever that just stares blankly at the camera but when I can't take his photo he is Mr. Charisma!


    ...I think this might be very chic & stylish in B & W...

    Marty's Bar


    Thanks, when I saw your picture of Dock's, I remembered that the neighborhood bar in Mortonville, near where I grew up had just closed & figured it might be worthy of a snap, before it turns into a Yoga Center or a Coffee House!




  1. This is a great photo, I love thistle "flowers", they are so unusual. You have a great eye for the unusual and many of your photos are technically spectacular. Looking forward to seeing more from you.


    Happy Shooting,

    Kellen Sobiech



    A Perfect shot, (was there kool aid on his chin, is that why it's cropped ;)


    YOu have captured that magical look of innocence and trust, it's a shame we lose that so fast...


    These portraits of this little boy are exceptional, you could consider taking pictures of people's tots for a living, there is a big market for that, espeicllay somneone who will come and photograph them at their own home... I would love to tap into it but I am too busy taking pictures of my daughter and her cousins!

    Edge of Reason


    It amazes me how you made something so simple portray such sadness. I can't wait to see a series where the paper clip man becomes happy...maybe he'll meet a stapler woman?


    This is a very haunting image, I love it!





    This series reminds me of Tool's early videos,"Sober" in particular. I love those videos so it is a compliment..you would have been very young in 1994 when they came out but maybe you have seen them and stored them somewhere in your collective concious?


    Very cool indeed, reminds me of why I take Prozac...!

  2. Here is a portrait that my sister sent me of her cat. The eyes were

    just big yellow flashes so I tried to put them back in-they are

    really green by the way...I loved stormy mood of the sky in the

    background but the original picture was very busy and too large, how

    would you rate my framing here? Thank you so much for taking the

    time to critique.

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