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johnny t. le

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Posts posted by johnny t. le

  1. <p>My friend shoots with a Canon 5dII with L glass and I shoot with a Nikon D300s with gold ring glass. When we upload our studio shots onto the computer, we can't even tell which photo came from which camera. We both manually set our white balance. Sometimes we trade cameras for fun and that's when things get hairy. We can't even figure out how to change basic settings such as shutter speed and aperture. And the menu systems are quite different. Both Nikon and Canon can produce amazing images, but they are different to operate and I can tell the models were getting frustrated waiting for us. The biggest difference between my friend's photos from mine was seen after post-processing.<br /> Don't get to hung up on consumer/mid-range level models such as the D90 or XSI. Once, you start using pro/prosumer gear it all evens out quality-wise . I hear it all the time but it's true, get what feels good in your hands. Just don't let the camera get in between you and your subject. As for white balance, shoot raw or learn to adjust manually. Check out dpreview, I don't think any camera gets its white balance right in artificial lighting.</p>
  2. <p>Wow, it works and it's comfortable. As a long time rangefinder shooter, I was shocked by the amount of camera shake I got from SLRs. It comes down to whatever floats your boat, but give it a try.</p>
  3. <p><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=5049873">Hugh J.</a> , Dec 22, 2009; 03:10 p.m. hit it on the nose with my portfolio requirements. Great photo by the way. I guess it doesn't matter which system I use as long as it's Nikon or Canon with the typical zooms-a rather obvious and anti-climatic ending to this thread.<br /> THANK YOU ALL for your insights. I am overwhelm and grateful by the amount of responses. I'll save my Leica for personal photography or when appropriate since it's such a joy to use. Happy Holidays!</p>
  4. <p>Thanks for everyone's responses so far. There are so many options and they all seem competent. I really like the Panasonic GF1 and Olympus E-P1 but it seems big heavy DSLR is what I must become familiar with if I plan to have a career in today's photojournalism. What I am most concerned about is the ergonomic and operational logic transition from Leica to a DSLR, if there are any. And if the direction the lens turns make a difference. Viewed from the front Nikon is counterclockwise and Canon is clockwise like Leica.</p>
  5. <p>I mainly shoot with a Leica M6 and 28/35/50. However, I must acquire a DSLR for my photojournalism class. Prior to Leica I have used old school Pentax and Nikon, but I don't have any on each anymore. I'm leaning toward the Canon 7d or Nikon D300s. I recently noticed from shopping and testing that Nikon lens turn the opposite direction from Leica which was initially confusing. Coming from Leica, I can only foresee myself making use of aperture and shutter speed so all the technology is a bit confusing. I expect a learning curve for which ever system I choose, but other than that, can any guide me toward a direction in which system to start off on from Leica?</p>
  6. I have the same lens but the AIS version and I called my local camera repair guy and he qouted me $25-$100 for a CLA. I bought my lens for $60 becausae it was really dusty and the focusing is a bit stiff but the glass is flawless. I might send mine in too. I'm not sure if it's extra to get it re-greased. KEH list the lens in the $200+ range so I think a CLA is worth it.
  7. Competence! Read, Learn and Understand how to use your camera and the light. Not every picture will be a keeper, but they should be properly exposed. After that, just be there and bring a camera. My eyes are always scanning for interesting subjects to shoot and it's extremely disappointing if left the camera at home or in the car or even in my camera bag. Moments are fleeting. I also agree with everything Wigwam Jones said.
  8. While trying to remove a filter stuck on my Nikkor 24/2.8 ais, I twisted the

    entire inner barrel of the lens a good 50 degrees. I turned it back and checked

    the focusing at infinity and at 1 feet and everything seems fine. What should I do?<div>00HAjq-30973884.jpg.98c806fbc0ddc285179cd2db9343786c.jpg</div>

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