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Posts posted by railhead

  1. No, I don't run any control strips. Can I guarantee that my mixes are 100% accurate? No, I

    can't. Can I develop film and get wonderful frames -- equal or better than those I've

    gotten from a lab? Yes, I can.


    Again, the PITA factor is totally relative. I don't mind the mixing (I just mixed all new

    chems yesterday) and I have the JOBO. The cost per roll isn't an issue for me, so the

    expense of home processing is not a factor to me.


    The convenience and fun of doing it all myself outweighs any "pains" there may be in the

    process, whether that's procedure or cost.

  2. I'll pretty much totally disagree with everyone that's posted.


    I was in your conundrum a couple of years ago, but I went ahead and bit the bullet and

    bought a JOBO CPE-2. Here's why I wanted -- and still do -- my own C-41...


    1. I'm impatient, so I don't like waiting for film to be developed via mail order.


    2. The only place around me that would cross-process is a 30 minute drive, round trip. I

    also had to wait until the next day to pick the negs up.


    3. I can finish shooting a roll at 10pm tonight and have it scanned by midnight.


    4. I'm a process junkie, and I enjoy knowing that every step I take in the process is critical

    to the outcome. I like the challenge, even though it really isn't that much of one once you

    do it a few times.


    5. Deving my own C-41 is just another facet of the hobby for me.


    6. I'm not too concerned with cost, because the dev aspect of the hobby supersedes my

    need/desire to save money.


    7. The "1-hour" places around me frequently tear, crimp, bend, and scratch negatives -- I



    8. As far as the temp and mix "control" goes, if you can't mix the chems right, then there's

    something wrong with your ability to measure and follow directions. I don't see how many

    people could have a problem here. Getting mix temps can be bothersome, but it's just like

    hooking up the wet/dry vac when I clean my truck -- it's part of the process. I can typically

    get all my process chems mixed in about 30 minutes.


    The processing temp is also easy to control with my JOBO unit. Does it stay 110% the same

    all throughout? Of course not, but I've deved hundreds and hundreds of rolls and all have

    been just fine.



    All that said, the bottom line should be whether or not YOU want to do it as part of

    exploring the hobby, as well as whether or not your patience and local shops meet your

    needs and timing. It's not rocket science, and it's totally doable.


    Lastly, nothing beats coming in late form a shoot or night on the town, warming up the

    JOBO while jumping in the shower, then deving all your film at 1:00am -- for me, at least.


  3. I was about to start some C-41 when I realized the jug I had my stabilizer in was cracked at the top edge. I

    moved my chems to a top shelf during our renovations, so this crack could be anywhere from 1 week to 4

    months old.


    I mixed it (it's Kodak stabilizer) with alcohol like most people, so I'm sure the alcohol is gone. But, it the

    whole batch dead after being exposed to air for as long as 4 months?

  4. Now that our home remodeling is done, I'm able to get back to home film development -- and I have a

    question that I may have once known the answer to, but I've forgotten.


    Basically, I need more developer -- I'm good with bleach and fixer. I have about 500 to 700 ml of good

    developer left, along with an unopened 5 gallon replenisher "kit."


    What should/can I do? I know I can't use the 5 gal replenisher kit as start tank (though I've read where

    some people have), so I guess I'd have to find some mail-order Starter. I say that because I assume that

    the 500 to 700 ml of active developer isn't enough to work with.


    Part of me -- most of me -- is just being impatient, not wanting to wait for starter to be delivered, so I

    was looking for a shortcut.


    Thoughts? Pointers?




  5. I searched for comments, but found none, so I'm posting.


    I just developed 4 rolls of film: 3 rolls of Fuji Superia and 1 roll of Fuji Reala. All were done in my CPE-2 at

    the same time, and all rolls ラ except for the Reala ラ look great. The Reala negatives are MAJORLY green,

    and when scanned, MAJORLY red.


    It's C-41 film, the Superia processed at the same time looks great, so I have no idea what's up.


    Any ideas?

  6. Fire-up Activity Monitor, click the CPU tab, and sort my % CPU and see what's eating all the

    processor cycles. Depending upon how long you've had the machine up and running (without

    turning it off or letting it sleep), there's a good chance Spotlight could be doing some major

    initial indexing. If something called mds or mdimport is causing the spikes, it's Spotlight.


    You could also create a new user and install Photoshop in that account and see if you have

    the same issue.

  7. I have to dump mine after each use, and I also have the lift. If you screwed it in place well

    enough, and have the nut threaded at the bottom, it won't go anywhere. When I'm done, I just

    move it over the sink and dump from the back-right corner.


    That said, I'm planning to put a drain on mine, though, on the left side. So that I don't have

    to worry about removing a plug and reinserting it causing any gradual leaks, I may just use

    some sort of cheap valve on tubing.

  8. Light leak patterns can dramatically change just depending upon how you're facing -- or not

    facing -- a light source. Especially on a Holga.


    I have several an each are labeled to denote which has what leaks, and I use them

    accordingly. Some Holgas don't have much leakage at all, while others do.


    So, try the tape and see if it makes a difference and let us know the results.



  9. Those are leaks from the Holga body.


    Tape the frame counter window as well as the sides by the latch brackets. Better yet, tape one

    area at a time, shoot, tape another area, shoot, etc., and then you'll be able to nail-down

    exactly where and how much light enters. Since it's a Holga, you want some leakage, so if you

    know where it's coming from, you can control it to taste.

  10. Just processed a roll of Fuji Reala 100, along with a roll of Superia, in my JOBO CPE-2 with a 1520. I used

    the JOBO recommendations for liquid amounts, and I've never had any problems I can't account for per se

    -- until this last set of film.


    On the Reala, the last 6 frames (out of 24) are tinted either green or blue -- almost like they've been

    crossed. All the other frames on the Reala look normal, and all the frames of the Superia look normal.


    What's doubly odd is that the frames that are tinted were on the outside of the reel, so even if it was a

    chemical level problem (which it wasn't, I don't think), the frames closest to the center of the reel should

    have been under-cooked -- not the ones on the edge.


    Any ideas?

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