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Dale M

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Everything posted by Dale M

    Perfect. Considering that the whole place was made to provide this view, the content is someone else's credit, but the photograph is very well executed nonetheless.
  1. Very catching expression on her face, really pulls you into the picture. The (almost) white dress gives the subject good definition against an interesting but not overwhelming background. Love it!
  2. Dale M

    Manistique Morning

    Way too overblown, far too much darkness. Lucky we can't see much of the foreground because it looks ugly. I prefer the original to the square-cut versions.
  3. Serenely peaceful image, very nicely framed and exposed.
  4. Dale M


    Amazing image, beautifully composed, lit, and contrasting hard and soft, dynamic and passive, warm and cold.
  5. Dale M

    The window

    Love the colours and lighting, and framing: the space makes this a relaxing picture to look at. The content is challenging: the woman is looking at an opaque window holding a vase--what of that? Setting her against the rough texture of the walls and floor makes the picture interesting, but I can't make myself believe there is any reality behind it.
  6. Dale M

    Wedding parties.jpg

    Not very compelling subject matter, creates a void right in the middle of the picture.
  7. Dale M

    Rollerblading 3.jpg

    Perfect image enhanced nicely by the subtle vignette.
  8. Dale M

    autumn leaves

    This is very nicely executed. Well done indeed!
  9. Dale M


    This is a perfectly executed photograph. I particularly like how the texture grades from the hard, sharp corn at the bottom, through the rough timber shack to the fluffy trees, and then that beautiful smooth, sleek sky. Love it!
  10. Dale M

    Country road!

    Okay well it is as advertised: a picture of a country road! I feel that overall there is too much dead space on all edges of this image, and that it would be much better cropped a bit, still keeping the horizon 1/3 the way up and the road spanning the bottom, but give a little more attention to the trees and the nice clouds in the centre there, and generally make a tighter composition.
  11. Dale M

    Beep Beep!!

    Nice picture of a beautiful car, but would have been so much better had the red buggy not been there.
  12. Dale M

    Excellent composition with the tree framing the two ladies beautifully. A nice candid shot giving off a relaxed, end-of-the-day vibe. Lovely!
  13. Dale M

    Fall 2021-22

    The colours of course are stunningly gorgeous and the scene is just catnip for the eyes, though I would say it lacks a central point of focus and keeps the eye wondering around slightly aimlessly. But I love it, very nice!
  14. Dale M


    A nice picture of a cat in a subtly different pose to most; the slightly cocked, forward-held head gives you the definite impression that he is looking at something very particular, and that something might well be me! (Or more likely you, but that's a technicality.)
  15. Beautifully exposed and pin-sharp, the composition really pulls the eye in and makes you feel like you are floating up the stream!
  16. Dale M

    Wet....Main Street!

    Would have been better without the window and the mirror. As it is I think I would have cropped it down to the two houses in the middle; you can pick out their form nicely and the rainwater does make for an interesting abstract effect.
  17. Dale M


    Incredibly dramatic shot of a beautifully prepared vehicle. Love the way the reflections down the side look like they've been painted on.
  18. Dale M


    Grainy, blurry, wonky, boring.... The cat's body is shapeless, so I would have focussed much more on the face and cut 80% of the rest of the photo away.
  19. Dale M

    Narrow Street in Nassau

    Very brutal treatment, but you've captured the ambience nicely and got so many textures I almost want to reach out and touch the scene! Well done indeed.
  20. Dale M

    the beach shower

    This is essentially a picture of two girls in a box. Sorry, but (apart from the title) context is lacking, as well as any kind of centre of attention. And so the viewer is drawn to the box more than the content.
  21. Dale M

    New Life

    Ha! I have to admit I hate this current photo.net site almost as much as I revile Donald Trump, but I've found myself become quite a fan of Julie H's cutting insights into just how astonishingly narrow-minded the site has become. Have to ask: are any of the POTW `judges' women? Are any of them not colour-blind? All the best wishes, Mr Dale.
  22. Dale M


    I agree with everything that Julie H said. This is not a photograph to be judged on technicality, but pure sentimentality: every winter that comes around reminds us that we have gone one step further along in life. Perfect photo in my opinion.
  23. Dale M

    A wonderfully organized shot, which for me sums up how much of our world happens at different speeds and on different scales. While we all live pedestrian lives most of the time, we have access to the means to transcend both time and the limitations of our ancestors and travel to some different environs in a short time. Her clothes are very contemporary, the sneakers in particular showing her to be of this time. Excellent photograph!
  24. Dale M

    The names David OK!

    Picture of a man with an axe to bear, but what of it? The image gives no reason why he should. Is he a murderer or a woodcutter? The content needs to contain more than just a man and an axe. I'm also unhappy with the secondary light to the right of his face (as we see it): that to me is what makes the picture look pretentious and, well, plain wrong. He would have been much more menacing if that side of his face was dark!
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