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lukas ondrousek aka jozef

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Image Comments posted by lukas ondrousek aka jozef

  1. Hello Ricardo,


    I do not know that either :-)


    The less PS the better, I fully agree. That's why I wanted to find out, how far from Marc's craftmanship my skills are (solely from the RAW material point of view, I can clearly evaluate my photos in the terms of composition, light, subject and so on :-).


    I am especially interested in Marc coz he picks scenes with very difficult light - uneven horizont with sun in front of him. He's usually not avoiding angles where the lights is a problem - unlike this friend of mine for example: http://www.borievky.com/


    Take care



  2. Hello,


    Very nice picture, again :-) I especially like to colors on the rock in the foreground.


    I have been following your portfolio for a while, and I wanted to ask you 2 questions -

    I know you take your time to catch the best light, but still the question is, how much Photoshop there is :-) Don't get me wrong, I probably use more PS then you do(I do panoramas mostly, image stitching - huge exposure differences), but I was still curious. Let's say this image(or this one http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=8145064). Would it be possible to send me some 400px original to my email? I would like to compare my original shots with yours :-)


    Another one is maybe even more private - how do you "sponsor" your trips? Travelling to destinations and spending 200 days outside must cost a fortune - not mentioning that you are probably not earning much during that period :-) If it's too private, don't bother to anwer.


    Anyway, you are doing a great job and your works and approach towards photography are great source of inspiration for me.





    awesome curves! i would personally add bit of saturation, the colors, especially in the upper third are bit dull.


    good job anyways, congrats! Lukas

  3. Henry, thank you for the critique.

    You are right, it's not an illusion. It's a panorama, covering a very wide angle - approximately 180° - which makes the sun "in front" of you on the right side, and "behind you" on the left side.

  4. Thank you for the critiques!


    J Perez, no, I don't do HDRs. Shadows were "extracted" from RAW file. The sun was overexposed, so I used 2nd shot (with shorter exposure time) for that part. Thank you

  5. Please, view larger. Panorama from Slovakia, Sulov. 8 Vertical images

    stitched together. You can find more images like this at my homepage.

    Thank you [i appologize for the double comment, I am not familiar

    with the new interface yet]

    Curtin Falls


    Photography is about light. There is very little chance you're gonna capture a dramatic shot at 1 p.m. I suggest shooting during sunrise/sunset hours - unless unsual conditions(very cloudy sky, storm coming or so).

    Photography is stripping given scenery only to visual element(what u see here) - obviously, there were some other, in this case more important, factors which made the waterfall interesting to you(sound, smell of the water).

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