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lukas ondrousek aka jozef

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Image Comments posted by lukas ondrousek aka jozef

    Great cold creek


    Thank you Peter. That's exactly what I do on a cloudy day - I shoot streams :-)

    No, I bracket only when necessary - in this case it was the sky.

    Good luck to you ;-) Lukas

    ...night & day...


    looks like Mars :-) I only briefly read the comments, but I have to agree I would darken the snow a bit. also, i would lighten the horizon, so the the viewer's attention focuses on that area, rather than on the foreground.

    overall very nice, but i like your other images more.

  1. Caves Marek,


    thanx for extensive comment.


    These kind of light conditions were quite unique. Despite lack of direct sunlight, sky is well defined and has lot of different coulds. Of course, direct light has some advanteges, but I'm not exactly sure, if it would be better from this shooting point. I could probably shoot a different photo (composition, subject ...), but I think this one interesting for the viewer as well :-)


    Well, the U-shape typical for panoramas never seems natural, does it? :-) I picked this spot and ran to it from couple of dozens of meters. I wanted to capture the reddish blueberry leaves(and get something to contrast with the sky) and this was the best spot for it. In other places there was mostly grass. Of course, I agree that it would be beneficial from this point of view to go further left (at least one hundered meters to get on the different side of the hill - to get a different shape of the bottom), but again, my focus then was on colors, rather then on the shape. I think that only direct comparison would make it clear which approach was better.


    Anyway, thanx for pointing out possible improvements, I'll bear them in mind next time I'll go shooting :-)


    Idem inak dnes do Prahy, Setkani fotografu, zajtra prednasam, nechces sa dojst pozriet?



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