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Image Comments posted by waynesview

    north end


    Trespassing? - but well worth it! Some of the BEST images are to be found in the tidelands and beaches of Huntington, Litchfield, and Pawleys - especially at sunrise/sunset.

    If I had my d'ruthers, I might open this in PS and brighten the groom a little and the bride a little bit more. Just my first take. This has most excellent mood and warmth - as is. A great addition to an already superb portfolio. I like your Coastal Grande shot too. You definitely have a way with low-light work.




    This guy didn't survive a storm, but he made for a great photo-

    opportunity. Comments and critiquites very much appreciated.


    shiny colors


    I believe I saw a huge garden made of sculpture like this - it was suspended from the ceiling in a most beautiful hotel/casino in Las Vegas(Photshop World Conference - Sept '06) The artist has a store there, with even more wonderful works.

    Nice shot!


  1. ...but I'd like to also say that I believe the face of the person in this image should probably be "as manipulated" as the rest of the image. The way this is presented, makes the person appear (to me) to be pasted in.

    Great work though, overall, Mircea.


    Kim's Portrait2


    ..once again, I am assisted by my fellow PN'ers. I did not even see that, until now, and you are right. I do have another couple in this specific setting that are much more suitable.


    Thank you, Jan!


  2. ...a beautiful woman, a wonderful model, and a lucky photographer


    Thank you in advance for your comments and critiques, as I truly

    value the help and advice I get from my fellow members of PN.


    HAPPY NEW YEAR from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!


    Game Face


    ...to both of you. The lens I used is a Nikon 18-200 VR. I just got it in the mail and started using it a few weeks ago. Needless to say, I am very impressed with what it does for me.



    Solstice Journey


    I have to comment on this...you are taking "digital art" into new realms. This is a truly fine work. I'll be checking back to hopefully see more. In the meantime, I'm going to do some checking on this program you mentioned. My wife will kill me if I take this increasingly expensive 'hobby' in a new direction, but I can't help but wonder, after seeing this, if there isn't something more than just Photoshopping for me to learn.


    Thanks for sparking my interest.

    Merry Christmas from Myrtle Beach.




    Since you asked, I thought I'd add my humble two cents worth. For a family portrait, I like to have everyone wearing the same colors. Also, I steer everone away from prints and darker colors. Solid pastels, or even plain old white and blue jeans or kakis make all the difference. As far as this shot goes, the composition is great, and the smiles make the viewer smile along with the happy subjects. The highlights are a bit blown out though, on faces.


    Good job! Keep it up!



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