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Image Comments posted by carlosmorel

    "force me"

    Thanks both of you for the time you take to look at my pics. im currently on a trip and i wont post any comments these days, so il check on your new pics later.
  1. Jeff, beautifull picture, i like how it is compose, the division between water and earth works as a great leading line into the picture, and position of the boats, along with the horizon gives us a sentiment of tranquility, keep at it jeff.

    Old Boats


    some experimention i did, sadly the feeling of old i wanted to transmit is ruined by the motor

    on the boat, plz tell me your comments and what you think of this picture.

  2. hmm.. adam i didn;t like this shot much, i understand what u say about the contrast, but other than that there is no composition here, it it unbalanced an has no symetry. See ya my friend.


    pd>:remember that the only thing worst than a bad photo is no photo at all


    what u got here is a nice backlight, but the sun i burning up the photo a bit more than it should, and i dont consider this picture very original. sorry 4-3


    seens like a poster for a stalker suspense movie, Nicely done, nice details with cigarrette, great composition, u used what i believe is the exaxt DOF of field you should have use, this is a grea picture, keep it up.


    wow, what an attitude at such age, nice picture jeff, the compostion, le lighting and the moment, are just great, ill go with a a 6-7/


    i just love abstracts, and i really like your picture. 4-6. I think you should try to crop out the darke parts in the sides of the picture, cropping a bit in the bottom to compensate, Some saturationg to give the picture more life i think would help too. Keep at it.


    i think street is a good name to it. I personally dont like this picture, but i admire what you are trying to do, its hard to make an common uninteresting object great, but when you do it, the results are amazing. I wish you luck, skill and perseverance into making you goal, keep trying and never give up.
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