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Image Comments posted by arniemilowsky

    Repost from limbo

    Excellent picture, clearly gives you the feeling of being in limbo, being able to see in but running into a barrier so she can't get in.

    Was the blur effect created by a layer in PS (which you are a master at, by looking at your portfolio), or was it shot through a translucent sheet of plastic?

  1. Looks like a snapshot of a house that's about 3/4 stop under exposed (can be fixed in PS, add new layer (levels, or curves, but don't have to adjust there), set blending to screen, and back off opacity to about 75%). Compositionally, it sits dead center; perhaps you could have shot from an angle emphasizing the pillared entrance.
  2. I like the image, but wonder how it would look if the background were a bit more blurred; to create a shallower depth of field look. If you have the background in a separate PS layer, it would be easy to try.
  3. I'd like to see this picture, as well as your other football pictures, shot with a much shallower depth of field so that the crowd is blurred out. The crowd is distracting to seeing the Jaguars uniforms

    Smoking Rose

    I like the way the smoke looks with the rose, but I think it would have looked better with a looser crop with the smoke (could be made to look like thick mist) creeping up and around the rose.


    Amazing amount of blue in the picture. Did it really look that way, or was the blue something that was picked up by the film?
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