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Posts posted by www.withheart.ca

  1. Hey there!


    I plan on offering my Bride and Grooms Azuka Albums. The Book Bound EX 10x10

    Albums and a 7x7 version for the parents. I'm curious what people are able to

    sell these for.


    I've seen them for $800 for a 10x10 w/80 pages and $350 for a 7x7 30 page one.

    Is that high do you guys think?


    For those of you lving in the Seattle, WA area: What kind of response do

    people have to these albums? Do they prefer these over traditional? In

    addition to traditional?


    Well thanks very much for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it so very

    much! Michelle

  2. Hey there!


    I plan on offering my Bride and Grooms Azuka Albums. The Book Bound EX 10x10

    Albums and a 7x7 version for the parents. I'm curious what people are able to

    sell these for.


    I've seen them for $800 for a 10x10 w/80 pages and $350 for a 7x7 30 page one.

    Is that high do you guys think?


    For those of you lving in the Seattle, WA area: What kind of response do

    people have to these albums? Do they prefer these over traditional? In

    addition to traditional?


    Well thanks very much for taking the time to respond. I appreciate it so very



  3. Hey there!


    Just playing around with new photoshop techniques and was thinking that if

    there was a way to be able to apply adjustment layers to a group of layers but

    not all the layers below it that it would be very handy.


    So I'm not sure how clear that question is so let me use an example to clarify:


    Photograph of a couple in front of a waterfall. Let's say I have two layers.

    The first layer is the background layer with the couple in front of the

    waterfall. The second layer is only the waterfall. Now I want to adust curves

    on the 2nd layer only and I want to be able to have the option of changing my

    choices later on.





    Thanks for taking the time to reply ^^.


  4. So this late Saturday morning, I've been making pancakes as I read through your posts. Pour them out, read a little. Flip em over and then read some more. I'm becoming an addict. :)


    Thank you to everyone for your fun and informative responses. I've had such fun reading them. Now comes the hours of research! Although I have to say that I'm leaning towards an M6. :)

  5. I'm brand new to Leica and from what I've seen so far---well let's just say

    that I've got drool all down the front of my shirt. ;) I want to do some

    research on the differnet M series models out there. Can anyone recommend a

    reliable source? I know next to nothing about the differences between the

    different M series models and want to be able to make an informed purchase.


    Also what are your opinons on the M4? I heard that is was mass produced in

    Canada. Should I be concerned about the quality?


    Thanks so much for taking the time to respond. :)

  6. I'm thinking of purchasing a ladder to shoot groups and other formals at my

    next wedding. What size do you find most useful? For obvious reasons that

    smaller the ladder the better. :)


    Also,is there any advice about logistics that you'd like to offer? I have an

    assistant and drive a Camry with pull down seats and a huge trunk.


    Thanks so much!


  7. I was just reading this post and was curious where I could find more information on this Q-flash mentioned? I checked BH photo to see what this was but I couldn't find any specs on such a flash. Is Q-flash its full name?
  8. ok here's the senario:


    I've got a recption venue that has high ceilings and a balcony that over looks

    everything. I'm planning to do a group picture of everyone at the reception

    (about 100 people)from the balcony.


    The lights in the room could prolly be turned up to full (they will be dimmed

    otherwise). The oveall light in the room is bad with the lights on full anyway.


    Anybody have any suggestions for the best way to light the group? I've got

    four 500w/s strobe lights and two umbrellas. I also have a nikon sb-800 flash.

    I'm humming and hawing over here on how to approach and would appreciate any

    advice a experienced person could lend me. :)


    THanks again!<div>00IpLi-33545284.thumb.JPG.6f96eedb9e161b7de41580231492112b.JPG</div>

  9. Thanks for all the responses. This helps me a lot. It is so wonderful to have other photographers to bounce around ideas with.


    The reason I was thinking of using manual everything is that I was apraoching this lighting senario as if I were setting up lights in my studio. I was treating my flash like a studio light, since the ambient light is gonna be at times non-existent. But I was feeling like manual mode was too time intensive for a wedding. So I thought I'd check to see how others approach this kind of situation.


    I like the idea of TTL for this situation. Thanks! I'm gonna go play around with it more. I usually only use flash to fill in shadows when shooting on location, so I haven't actually used my TTL mode--ever I think. :)


    One more question...To capture movement crisply, for example bride coming down the asile, what shutter speed would be a good rule of thumb. I'll prolly be using my 50 mm 1.4 and I might rent 80-200 2.8. With ambient light for action shots I try for around 1/125 ish, depending on the movement of course. I understand that in a dark room, a flash can freeze the action at slower shutter speeds, since it is a quick burst of light. What have your experiences taught you?


    Thanks again for your helpful ideas and suggestions!

  10. Hey there!


    I'm having trouble with creating a good system for choosing settings when

    using both my flash and camera on manual while shooting on the fly.


    I'm gonna be shooting a wedding where basically the whole thing is in very low

    light. I scouted yesterday and I can expect the best to be around 1/2 sec at

    5.6 ISO 500. But that's really optimistic, as this will be a night wedding and

    I won't have any ambient light from windows. Both the Church and reception

    have super high ceilings.


    My plan of attack was to use my flash like a main light boucing off walls

    behind/beside me or by using my Lightsphere, as the situations dictate. I've

    got SB-800, Nikon D200, Lightsphere and lightmeter. But to be honest I could

    use advice. I haven't had much experience shooting in these conditions. How

    would you approach this? How do I shoot all manual on the fly quickly without

    guessing on the settings?


    Thanks for any help you can give!

  11. Hotel Muguet was highly recommended to me by friends who were just in Paris. Rooms are nice, non-smoking hotel and close to alot. It was booked for the dates that I will be travelling there so I had to go with an unknown place, but I hope that if you decided to try Hotel Muguet that there will be availabilty for you. :)
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