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Posts posted by www.withheart.ca

  1. I'm looking to create a inkjet printing workflow. I'm thinking Epson 1800 or

    2400. I'd like to print Colour and B&W on hahnemuehle rag paper. The K7 inks

    are interesting. The biggest print I'm looking to print would be 11x17.


    Here are my questions:


    1. What's the difference between the Epson 1800 and 2400 printers other than

    price and marketing?


    2. Can I switch out my color and B&W ink as neccessary or will that cause

    problems such as dry out or clogging? In otherwords do I need two printers,

    one dedicated to each or can I get away with sharing one?


    3. What's the average cost of ink for an 8x10 print? K7 inks seem to be around

    $328 for a set and Epson's inks were $132 for a set. I have no idea how much

    ink an average print would use... Do you?


    4. How often do I need to use the printer to prevent ink clogging and dry out?


    5. Where's the best place to buy Ink and Paper?


    6. Any other workflow advice is welcome! I'm totally new and learning like

    crazy how this works.



    Well I really appreciate the help. I've been searching the forums for hours

    and haven't been able to satisfy my questions yet. :) Thanks all!

  2. Still same wedding with on camera fill flash. It allowed for more shots to be taken as we were quite behind schedule. Reflector would have been nice, but we had to get too close with it since it was a very overcast dark moment of the day (Even the silver one wasn't enough).


    Eyes looked much better with fill flash than without though. I think that one could train an assistant to hold the off camera flash for you and so you could be just as quick using that as the on camrea flash. (With the right assistant of course!)<div>00Mymp-39176084.jpg.4e62c0fe4f81d7bb07280cd27b020c75.jpg</div>

  3. Here's off camera at the same wedding. Can't see the eyes though, but the catch light would be nice if you could. :) This was set up before they were ready to do the cake cutting. Setting up took less than 5 mins. Was a stand, umbrella and your typical flash unit. Used pocket wizards as I find the other ways of doing off camera unreliable. The light is to the left of them at you can see.<div>00Myma-39175884.jpg.97fbd2a868e2aacaa5f0a2628965cd70.jpg</div>
  4. Hello Kari,


    Great discussion here.


    What I do is based on the time and light I have, I adapt to the situation. I bring my reflector, my off camera lighting set-up, on camera lighting set-up and decide in the moment what I want or the situtaion requires. (Keep your off camera lighting set-up very portable and easy to set-up. This PJ gives some great ideas for this. http://strobist.blogspot.com/2006/03/lighting-101.html).<div>00MymS-39175784.jpg.1db7247fa0142b3bd475c093a5574fb3.jpg</div>

  5. This is a tricky one. I never used to give out my files because I wanted to ensure the highest quality at every stage of my process. Who wants their art printed with a crazy color cast!?! We want our Brides, Grooms and their families to look gorgeous not green!! :D


    Anyhow, I recently starting sellin the files. The reason I did, was on principle. I wanted the Bride the option to make prints from her Wedding later on. At a time when she might not be able to contact me anymore as I had moved or when I nolonger had her files (My contract says that I only keep them for an year). For instance, what if her print from me is destroyed by an angry child, and she wants a reprint.


    My solution to the quality of prints thing, is that I educate them about the differences between labs when I have my first meeting with them. I have a handout that I go through with them and give to them in their informational packet. I find that giving them the files can affect my prints sales, but people tend to buy prints from me if they care about the final quality of the prints. I am currently putting together a sample book with prints made from my lab and prints from the local 1 hour lab, that I'll have available to show them.


    I hope this helps you Meg!

  6. Hee hee this is a fun post. I actually just shot a whole wedding with a 28-70mm. For me I chose this lens since I tend to take less wide angle shots but like lugging or paying for the 70-200mm. In fact my favorite lens is the 50 mm 1.2. I love that lens. However from time to time I found that I missed shots that I wanted because I couldn't zoom out. My second shooter loves wide angle and so I tend to task him to take those shots. As for formals, when I have the space I also enjoy using a 50 mm or 85 mm if I can get away with it. Looks so purrrty.


    One thing I enjoy doing is putting a lens on my camera and using it like it is the only lens I have. It encourages you to use the lens in ways you might not have otherwise thought of and is kinda fun!


    Well happy posting!

  7. I sit down with the Bride and her mom plus whoever is paying for the pictures. Together we craft a rough photography schedule. During the photography sch. making I find out all sorts of information about important moments, ppl and shots wanted. Just making the schedule seems to really help bring those details to the surface. Plus it helps keep those must have formal shot lists realistic based on the time you have. If someone has an hour and must have a million groupings it is easier to do the math with them in a planning meeting rather then to run out of time or waaay late at the wedding.


    Btw it is a loose sch. ;). I wouldn't outline every shot that you plan to take while the bride is getting ready for instance. I might write: Getting Ready from 8am-10am and then list anything specially requested by the Bride, such as photo of the bracelet my grandma gave me...


    BTW I noticed that you were waiting for the Nikon 18-200 lens. I own this lens and love it. Esspecially for travel photography! Is that for this wedding? If it is and you may already know this....If you plan to do formals with it; it has some distortion issues. Just test it out and see what you think. Many prefer the 15-55 and I love my 28-70mm 2.8.


    Hope this helps!

  8. Hey there,


    I've got a keep ya on your toes lighting situation in an upcoming shoot. Dark,

    dark tiny rooms, dark wood ceilings and backlit by bright windows. I was

    thinking to over power the tungsten light and use flash/window light.


    The example shot below was taken with the following settings:


    28mm f2.8 1/50 Manual mode

    TTL Flash -2 with Fong Diffuser no gel on the flash

    White Balance: Flash


    I'm getting a strange green cast in the background. Can/should I do anything

    about it?


    I'll post a more zoomed in shot in a minute.<div>00LMUS-36794884.jpg.a8d3520ea5ce10708d8b93962e4719f4.jpg</div>

  9. I get a lot of use out of my 50 1.4. In fact I once did a whole low light wedding with only that lens. :) Was fun!


    I recently bought the 28-70 2.8 and love it! Sharp and fast/quiet focusing. Nice zoom range for my style of shooting.


    For portraits I really enjoy my 85 1.8.


    Alot of people like the 70-200 2.8 VR. I had rented that one in the past but I find it too heavy and expensive for the amount that I use it to bother buying it. Some people go crazy over this lens though.


    As for renting I've had some interesting experiences. There is really nothing like using equipment that yours. Although I would test the rental equipment the day before I wouldn't always find out about issues until at the event. So for me if I can afford the purchase, I prefer to use equipment I've owned and had alot of time to get to know.


    Hope this helps you :)

  10. Everyone wants the digital files! I'm a stickler for quality so I cry a bit at the thought of my prints being printed at walmart on color B&W paper with a funky red cast. Sniffle, sniffle.


    Anyway, with every DVD I give out I've tried to inform my clients on how to get qualtity prints. It's the best I can do at the moment. Some listen; some don't. I'll post the handout I've been giving to them in case anyone would find it helpful.


    I don't know about you guys, but I can look at a B&W print and know whether it was shot with film or digital.

  11. I won't repeat all the useful advice and ideas given above.


    One thing to add however! I LOVE the navigation! So easy to look at your pictures!! A bit of a pet peeve of mine. ;) You site is very welcoming to navigate.


    Too bad your friend doesn't live in Seattle or I'd be tempted to hire him or her. :)

  12. Thanks Forrest. Blue huh?! Yuck. I've got a style sheet set-up and it is working on my browser. What broswer are you using? I'd love to be able to test this and fix it. How embarassing!?


    Yeah I know all about the thumbnail issue. I'd thought I'd work on one problem at a time. But if anyone knows how to, I'm trying to see if I can get the whole thing to be top justified. :)


    Thanks again Forrest!

  13. Ok so I've got a website in progress at www.andersson.ca (Feel free to check

    it out and comment on whatever you feel could improve.)


    My question, however, is this. I'm using a combination of frontpage and adobe

    CS2 to design my site. On my wedding page for example, I've used one of

    adobe's automatic gallery creators for my gallery. This auto gallery uses

    flash. I know how to code links in an all html page that I've made from

    scratch, however I can't seem to get that same code to work with Adobe's

    pages. Anyone got any ideas about this?


    Thanks as always for any help you are able to give :).

  14. Hey thanks for reminding me about the iris'. I bet if I get the subject to close their eyes and open them right before the picture is taken that, that might help. I had totally forgotten about that trick. Thanks for reminding me!


    I know I'm being silly to want to duplicate this light. I'd just like to know how to do it when I want to. I'm playing around really.

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