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Posts posted by rui_lebreiro

  1. <p>Hi again,<br>

    The answer is indeed in the link you posted:<br>

    <em>"If I understand what you are reporting, then I think your camera is operating correctly. I assume you have an M6 with an early serial number. In the beginning, the M6's meter simply cut out when you went below the metering range. Later, because of the reaction of many who thought the meter wasn't working, the dispay was changed to a flashing LED. This lets you know the meter is operating, but the EV range is below the ability of the meter to function. Be aware that the metering range is based on ISO 100, so with faster film, you can be out of the meter's range based on the sliding scale of the EV."</em><br>

    Well, guess I'll have to live with that :\<br>

    Thanks again,<br>


  2. <p>Hi,<br /> <br /> Just bought an M6 non-TTL. Shot a couple of rolls with it and all seems fine, with only with a minor weird thing that is bugging me.<br /> <br /> In situations where I have very few light, the meter stops showing the arrows, like if it was telling me there isn't a suitable shutter-speed in order to expose properly, given the chosen apperture.<br /> <br /> That might be ok, but I found in friends that have M7 and M6TTL that their cameras in similar situations, the arrows are shown the same way, only they are blinking.<br /> <br /> One situation where I tried this is closing myself in a dark room with very tiny lights in the window. When I point to the light, the meter show the proper arrow indication. When I move to a dark area, no arrows are shown.<br /> <br /> Can you please help? Is my m6 working well not showing the arrows (in those situations), or it should show them blinking?<br /> Thanks in advance,<br /> Rui</p>
  3. <p>Hi,</p>

    <p>I shoot exclusively 35mm b&w and i'm thinking what scanner to get to start procesing my own film at home.</p>

    <p>Maybe I will be interested in Medium Format in the future, but as my main concern is size (that i don't have) I'm, leaning to a dedicated film scanner.</p>

    <p>Of course a 35mm+MF dedicated would be the best, but I haven't find a suitable (in terms of cost) scanner so far.</p>

    <p>In my head there is a Plustek 7300i, or maybe find a used Minolta.</p>

    <p>About Minolta's... (Scan Dual, Scan Elite, let's see what comes along) will I be able to put it to work on win7? Any experience on that? I've read problems in getting them to work on Vista.</p>

    <p>Maybe I could buy an alternative scanner driver, if possible.</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance,<br>


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