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Image Comments posted by kickniko

    Unstable windows


    A small dedication to the stability of an operating system with the second word of this photo's title in its name? ;-)


    I started a series of photos like this one, mainly out of the wish to imitate Picasso photographically. But it seems that it evolving to something of its own. I am very curious to see where it goes to. For the time being it is reconstructing the world in some multilayered chaotic way.


    Thanky ou very much for the great comment and rating!


    Best wishes,



    Shapeless shapes


    Thank you so much for your great comment and rating!


    The images of this kind were all made through multi-exposures during the last months/years and I continue with them, so it could perhaps give the impression that I am too fast in perception.


    But one thing starts getting shape in my mind, and that is to "be able to see" the world though some kind of a broken kaleidoscope, which I use extensively for such photos. Perhaps the long time of keeping in touch with this technique is a good exercise? I can't say exactly but sometimes a normal scene is enough and the image "pops up" in my mind in the way we see here. It is like looking with many different focal lenghts and perspectives at the same time. Blending the many possible points of view in mind, if you wish.


    Thanks again and keep it up!



  1. Hi and thanks a lot for the nice detailed comment.


    Indeed there is too much going in there and I find myself being more and more attracted to such "chaotic" images made by multiple exposures. But I don't quite understand what you mean with "reflection". There is no reflection in this image - or at least I don't see any?


    Excuse my late answer please, it has been a bit too chaotic also in my life in the last weeks. (Perhaps that's why I shoot such photos? ;-))


    Take care and keep it up,



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