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Image Comments posted by shwetabanerjee

    The BulBul Game

    Absolutely awesome Rafik. I would give anything to learn your technique with birds. Am starting to try my luck with birds, end up taking all squirrel shots as I guess am too slow for the birds. You must have amazing instinctive responses to get such shots. Hats off!

    The Muslim Girl


    I know several Islamic countries [Turkey for one] enjoy henna[tattoo on hand] as a tradition, however, coming to Islam - a Bindi[the dot on forehead]is strictly a Hindu tradition and am not sure if that adds authenticity to your title. You might consider changing the title to just 'Purdah' or something less community specific.


    Getting out of the cultural part, you have done an excellent use of available light. Congratulations.


    Thanks a lot Rafik for taking time out. I know the light is less, I intentionally waited untill the pink cast on the white color of house vanished, which also meant I had to do with less light. Offcourse there is photoshop to retouch but then almost any photo can look good thanks to photoshop (my opinion only!!), and there goes my enthusiasm to learn photography - down the drain.



    Thanks David and Gary for taking out time for my photo.


    David I really appreciate the long appraisal. Yes the horizon is tilted, wong angle to take the photo perhaps. Trying to correct the horizon in this angle was tilting the house itself. Thanks again for your critique.



    The texture of clouds is giving a very rich scenic atribute to the picture. However, am wondering how it would be if two things were different -

    1 - The tree was not in dead center.

    2 - The frame was of a compatible color/smaller in size.

    My view though. Nonetheless its an extremely good shot. Congratulations.

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