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kirk d

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Image Comments posted by kirk d

  1. Jeff, you should be a happy man, your wish has come true; I'm not being sarcastic. Many of your images are abstract. Even when recognizeable, your titles give them an abstract quality; they certainly cause the viewer to look and think in an abstract way (abstract from normal trains of thought - I guess thought provoking).

    I would say quit questioning yourself, you have reached your wish/dream however, if questioning yourself is what inspires your work, don't let me stop you.


    Does that make sense?



    sweet memories


    Glad to see you're back at it Roger. I like this for the shapes created by the light and dark. I like this angle where you can't see the stamen; it gives it a different feel.





    I like the lines in this the horizontal and vertical lines of physical and light are interesting and then the X under the table does something good - not sure what but it works well. The B&W conversion is good and really adds to the solitude even amongst the lights that indicate it is a live place.



  2. Great contrast with angles that boggle. If it weren't grey and peeling, I would think this is a ferris wheel. Great detail and range of tones in the B&W members and structure. This angle makes it really feel massive too.



  3. I like the shapes that this out of focus leaves me with. That is a funny title and must have come after a cauldron of witches brew.

    I am continually amazed at the colors that come from the blur whether from total out of focus, dof or motion blur. Of course the abstract shapes are always interesting and the patterns weaved by the moving camera are amazing but some of the colors seem to come from another plane.

    Just this morning, I shot some. I'll have to post.




  4. Yes it is from work, this and the tunnel one. The editor is using one of my other shots for the cover of the publication and four other shots to go along with the article. No extra pay, comes under "other duties as assigned", but I'll take it.



    On and On


    Uh Jeff, if this were a nude and I was caught, I could be fired - the worker is me. Even if it wasn't - its the government, maybe if I were a congressman or the president I could get away with a nude at work...





    Joseph, you're to kind.

    While I like DP's crop, I would not have suggested that on my own. There is something about that thin twig in the top that curves up that is really attractive especially against that void of black. Maybe a crop in between that would exclude that twig coming in from the left but includes the wispy twig in the upper right.

    I read how you went back and the leaf was gone - should make you glad you caught it when you did.

    Anyway, thanks for your visit to my pics.



  5. It appears I was wrong about the Grey Ghost being a jealous artist.


    He was on the news explaining that he believes in covering up all grafitti that is done without a permit. He seems to be an activist against all grafitti believing that even artfully done grafitti will lead to vulgar and violent types grafitti.


    I'm not sure if there was a permit for the work he covered where the artists had the owner's permission; I do know he is being charged for that and the owner is having his murial painted again.


    The one above and others there is no proof that he did the cover up; he is getting some attention though.





    Each element (the thin twigs with buds, the small white blossoms and the single bright leaf) is interesting on its own yet come together for a unified elegant composition.

    While I like the open composition, DP's crop has a bit more impact by concentrating the eye yet still maintaining the excellent elements and dof.


    Great shot and conversion.



    On and On


    Thanks Pnina and Gordon, it would have been easier had I remembered my flashlight.

    Oh, the workman is the photographer with his Lowpro bag slung around his back.



    Passing through


    Tero, the colors are great, yellow and green. Like Jeff said, autumn crashing down. Tero, Jeff's dictionary is in his head and he amazes me with his titles and short but accurate descriptions.

    I told him once, if he wanted, he could have a business making titles for other people's art.



  6. This is excellent. The tones are great from the light highlights on the sand to the midtone shadows of the low sun and the dark shapes of the anchors. This makes me think of a graveyard on the seashore. Your choice of angle gives this a strong geometric composition with the the strong lines and shapes and circle in the foreground.



  7. To me, the two different portraits are very different both in appearance and presence. On the bench, he looks weathered and tired. Standing, he looks like a prophet with significance. I like both but have to ask how long has he grown that beard and hair.



    On and On

    Here again, one of the few caves in South Louisiana. Another documentary shot of the valve tunnel at the bottom of the 55 deep navigation lock only accessible by foot every 10 years when they take the water out for repairs. I took this for the pattern of light reflecting off the sheet of water and through the 6ft thick lock wall on the walls of the inner tunnel. This is about a 30 sec exposure - it's pretty damn dark in here even with the rays of light coming in.
  8. This is as close as I'll get to a waterfall in south Louisiana. It is a generic documentary shot of the "re-watering" of a lock that we maintain. My office asked me to take some pictures of the event. I did this in the rain holding an umbrella with my camera on a tripod. I'm pleased with the result and hope the public affairs office uses it in an article about the repair work which is done approximately every 10 years.
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