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Image Comments posted by glenwoodsherry

    Zt 147




    Within the gentle light of her eyes I see intelligence, of someone who has seen, at times, too much, but who has come into the light stronger for the passage.


    This is not a giddy young woman; neither is she a vapid mannequin. She will challange you; she will make you laugh; but the laughter will come from experience.


    She is a survivor. And as one who is married to a three time cancer survivor, and who works with, and shoots, other survivors, that is praise indeed.


    A remarkable woman. An even more remarkable image.


    Yours, with deepest respect,



    Zt 147




    Absolutely incredible; what an amazing portrait. I know that I tend to be a "little" long-winded, but let me say this: I would own this image, and would proudly hang it on my wall.


    I have stared at her for two days, and her power continues to grow. Intelligent. Wounded. Aloof. Committed. A survivor. And proud of that badge.


    I regret that I can only give it a 7/7.


    I remain, in awe and respectfully,



    Zt 131



    Another remarkable image, but I'm afraid that I have to say that I prefer the color version. Don't get me wrong; in B&W the image is remarkable, even exordinary in its sense of being in the moment. But I find the tones a little flat. Small complaint, though. I would give up... well, something serious, in order to shoot such an image.


    But the color image I find more intriguing for the play and counterplay of the warm tones of the model's skin against the cool light falling through the window and on the building outside. This warm/cool contrast has been one of the key signatures of some of your very best work recently, and that trend continues here. One can almost feel the young woman enjoying whatever warmth the winter sun is providing, drifting off in her self-composed thoughts, ignoring all but the transcendent moment.


    Totally without guile or pretensions, she is exactly who she is, at this moment, and in this place.


    I rate her, the lighting, and your exordinary skill, a 7/7 for magnificence in concept; in execution; and in your sensitive respect to your model as woman.


    (Oh, and thanks for editing out the cord on the left of the color image when you did the B&W.) (And love the open window seat cabinet door.)


    With deepest respect,



    Zt 119




    A very beautiful portrait of a very beautiful young woman. The apparent simplicity of the shot belies the great skill that this type of shot takes to execute. It has been done before, but hardly ever this well.


    The lighting is near perfect, and the skin tones would make Renoir swoon.


    And your friend? What a willing partner in this artistic journey. She is totally relaxed and trusting in her demeaner and pose, with gentle, quiet eyes, and no reservation on her lips. She poses, but is no poser.


    A remarkable image; you both are to be congratulated.


    With deepest respect,



    Fog Lifting




    Beautiful image; wonderful composition and mood. Actually, I think that the benches help give a melancholy feel, giving a sense that the scene has been abandoned for the winter.


    Oh, it would definitely would look great framed and on the wall.


    Very well done.



    Zt 94




    Been offline for a while, and what an incredibly wonderful surprise to see your new postings; a few comments:

    This is a very strong, very candid, film noire moment, from the hip, and the so-called flaws (ie, the not-too-perp right side of the counter; the unbalanced composition, the off-handed cropping, etc.) re-enforce the power of the effect. Sexy, languorous, reflective, this image is the antithesis of the dispassionate, staged portrait. The casual nudity, the way her right heel digs into her thigh, the soft concave bend of her right wrist: Remarkable chapters in the unwinding story of the interaction between the artist and his model. She is totally relaxed and trusting, and if another shot is needed, well then...


    Bravo. A 7/7 from me.







    Nice image; I really like the high contrast. My main problem is with the composition: I don't think that it is really effective in a vertical format; the image seems too cramped. With the angle of the overhang some more space on the left of the image would have been nice. Also, you might try lightening the hay.


    All-in-all, though, a very nice B&W image, with great potential.







    Thank you for your comments; Venice can amaze and astound, but I love her even more when she draws you into herself, to find yourself. Like no other place on Earth...







    Cool image; I like the near, not quite symmetry. There is grab-shot quality to it; it feels improvised, not studied or controled, much like the wrinkles in the left glove.


    My one criticism is the wrinkled white background. The seat blends in, and the chrome has no punch. I feel that a plain black background would let the whole image "pop".


    Then you would have an image where the model would seem to be saying "Just where do you think that you are going with that camera?"


    Best regards,



  1. David,


    With all due respect to Jim (whose work I admire greatly) I like the green background. It is a jaring color, an in-your-face, don't-ignore-me statement that the white background lacks. Plus the color is very much like the chroma-key green screen backgrounds that we use in video production. When I first saw it my thought was of a flirty model, working in front of a green screen, grabbing a camera and having fun. Made a lot of sense to me. But then, again...


    Some say "Toe-mott-toe"; some say "Toe-may-toe".


    In any case, a very cool image.





  2. Carlos,


    What an impressive image! Very dynamic, love the strong negative black design, set off by the flat toned blue and white, and all the while centered by the beautifully molded round column or pipe. Nearly perfect.


    I took a moment to check out your portfolio, and what an impressive body of work it is! You have an amazing eye for abstract composition, yet you approach your protraits with a great deal of sensitivity and grace. You are a remarkable talent, (despite what you say!) and I look forward to seeing more of your work.


    With regards,


    Wooden Wiener




    An incredible image, nearly perfect in every way, except for the horizon line. Still, a well deserved 7/6. Can't wait to see what else you put on PN.


    Best regards, Glenwood





    A very good nude study; a classic pose and lighting. No surprises, except for the color of the backdrop fabric. The burgandy color is a pleasent change from straight black, and complements her skin tones. I have one small issue with her closeness to the fabric, causing some distracting shadows. A very small criticism, though. A very good image.





    Zt 43




    Well, this is an interesting change of pace. She's flirty and a little naughty; she has stolen one of your cigarettes, and that hat that once belonged to your dad, and is striking an "Attitude" pose. But above all, she is confident and intelligent, and is not hesitant about taking you on, artistically, or intellectually. The perfect foil. The perfect muse.


    Very, very well done, in both shooting the model, and creating the setting.


    With regards,



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