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Posts posted by james_frater

  1. The 7D has a great history of exposure problems with the 5600HS, you can get it calibrated, but more so most people just set the exposure compensation to 1/2 or 1 stop more (Better).


    As to why KM did not get this right before release, and seemed to make little or no effort to correct it with firmware updates is beyond me.


    It's is a known issue, I would compensate for it.

  2. I have been doing artwork for sales brochures and magazines for a few large chain stores for about 3 years now as a small aspect of my work.


    I add those things because we want to sell to the mindless masses that they are getting is a deal to good to be true.


    Having those things on there can be done for endless reason.


    Do I care about MAP..... No!


    As I have never used the advertising technique for that reason.

  3. In Australia prices vary in the hundreds. I have seen price differences of up to $400 for the same kit.


    Also advertising as


    "Massive price cut"

    "Too low to believe"

    "Too low to advertise"


    Is a pure sale gimmick, usually seen when stores want to get rid of their older stock in place of the newer model.


    Either that or it is a pure gimmick to get people into the store and actaully find not a big saving whatsoever, but hey you are in the store.

  4. I see with interest that Nikon and Fuji are releasing new camera's. The Fuji

    one does certainly look interesting. But I think the Nikon D80 will be the

    main contender for the A100


    Nikon - Quote from Steve's Digicams site


    Building on the extraordinary success of the D70 and D70s, Nikon today

    introduced the new D80 digital SLR camera ヨ an impressively featured, high

    performance camera that incorporates Nikon's latest digital and photographic

    technologies, and offers advanced features as well as automated operation.

    With a new 10.2-megapixel DX Format CCD image sensor and an exclusive high-

    resolution color processing engine the D80 can render images with incredible

    resolution, sharp detail and vibrant color. And it can shoot these images

    fast ヨ at speeds of up to 3 frames per second, for up to 100 consecutive shots

    (in JPEG Normal mode).


    And now Fuji

    Fujifilm, a pioneer in digital imaging products and services, broke new ground

    again today with the introduction of the FinePix S3 Pro UVIR camera. The

    FinePix S3 Pro UVIR is the worldメs first production D-SLR camera capable of

    taking photographs in the ultraviolet and infrared light spectrums. It has

    been designed for use in the science, medical and fine art disciplines, with

    its most intriguing applications coming in the field of law enforcement


    With its digital capabilities, the FinePix S3 Pro UVIR makes the evidence-

    gathering process more efficient and accurate for investigators. The FinePix

    S3 Pro UVIR has a live CCD previewing feature, a significant aid to the

    forensic photographer. This feature enables manual focusing while dark filters

    are attached to the lens as well as pre-capture verification.


    Priced at $1,799.95, the FinePix S3 Pro UVIR will be available through select

    authorized dealers in the United States beginning September 2006.

  5. "Karl Snyder" pictures are exellent, the image quality great and sharp as a tack.


    That said, looking at his pictures, he is also using lenses that cost more than the actual camera. So one would expect this to be the case.


    Average Joe who buys the camera will get the standard lense, which from experience, my 7D came with the 28-100 lense, and now using the 28-75 2.8 lense, well the difference is massive.


    His experience should be great, cause he has lenses that will produce images that most users with the standard rubbish the camera comes with could not.


    But they a Pro result images he has taken with the A100. Looks great.

  6. I have read in some places (magazines) that it is an upgrade from the 7D, better in technology and styling. I wonder if those people who write that actually know about camera's, let alone the 7D.


    I have held the A100 and used it. It is very much like the 5D and I think in some ways feels more fragile to the 5D. And certainly comes no where near the 7D in build or handling. For example the 7D has a strong body with metal in it.


    It does not match the 7D in shooting or handling in my using it.


    I have the grip with the 7D, so it feels like a pro camera with the size and weight.


    On a side note, it is up to the actual store to stock their shelves, so no one can blame Sony if a store only has a few items. The solution to that is very simple, go to a quality camera store and not a department store that has an electronics section that may only supply a couple of camera's.

  7. Give it a couple of years and full frame sensors will be the norm for digital SLR's. It's only common sense and logical.


    Prices will always come down, as more and more people buy digital SLR's and the price will come down.


    Only a couple of years ago, plasma & LCD TV's were in some cases 4 to 5 times the price now.


    A long time will in reality be about 2 or 3 years, but more like 2.

  8. Just like computers years ago used to fill up a room, that can now fit in the palm of your hands and millions of times faster.


    In the future, it will not be a matter of how much is enough for a consumers, the fact is the technology and power will be getting higher and better.


    MP are only going to get more ad more, and a consumer digital camera in the next few years will be 16mp, and most likely full sensor.


    Nothing will be kept small, bigger is better, technology will not be stopped. One only has to look at the evolution of digital cameras in the past 3 years. Let alone 5 or even the next 10 years.

  9. With the future, the defaults will be higher and higher anyway. Give it a few years and a 16mp camera will cost about $1800 Aussie dollars. Because 16mp will be the base starting for a semi pro user.


    In 10 years I would think that medium format size sensors will be the norm and getting up around 50-60mp.


    Lets face it, sky is the limit with the future.


    But for right now and next year, 6mp digital SLR (7D) is perfectly fine. I get perfect A4 printed images on my 7D.


    My images with my 7D and my 28-75 2.8 lens are mind blowing compared to all my other digital camera's.

  10. I was very interested in talk about camera makers coming out with digital only

    lenses which are great for the smaller sensors, but cannot be used on a full

    frame 35mm sensor.


    KM, now (Sony) is a prime example, many digital only lenses for smaller than

    35mm sensors.


    But I just had a quick wander around the Canon site and took a look at most of

    their current lenses, with a good number being only for digital models, 30D

    and 350D camera. And not the EOS 5D and higher camera's.


    At this stage I really do not think it is a huge issue if Sony do not bring

    out a full frame sensor camera. Because all things being relative. I think

    sensor technology will only improve and bring a point where those smaller

    sensors used now on the A100, etc will give greater results, as most already

    do now.

  11. You did not mention what flash you are using. You should be not having this problem with any minolta flash unit designed to work with the 7D, i.e. On camera flash, 3600HS, or 5600HS.


    The worse that can happen is that the flash may not expose correctly to about 1 stop or so. Your situtation is more extreme.


    Are you shooting dark subjects??? What flash are you using??

  12. I just got back today from my trusted Camera store in Sydney Australia. They

    already have a dummy camera on display and taking orders for the SONY

    A100/KM18-70mm KIT.


    I am told there have been 12 pre-oders already taken so far.


    But at $1700 Aussie dollars for this kit, the camera is not the bargin Price

    when you do a pure currency conversion on what Sony lists it for.


    Especially when this same kit costs under Sony website $999.00 USD = $1,329.37



    Looks like Import taxes gone wild a bit




    Including $300 cashback just before Xmas, my 7D was cheaper.

  13. I do not agree. The image quality and features on a modern digicam, and the tiny size will always appeal to the mainstream consumer.


    Digital SLR's will have a portion of the market share, but like normal SLR camera's over the years, they will never be the market share leader in camera's overall, due to cost, even though DSLR prices are falling.


    In reality not many mainstream consumers even get high end digicams.


    You are talking to a forum that is mainly SLR and DSLR users, because mainstream users do not care that much about photography other than a memory recorder, this forum opinions on a whole will be skewed towards SLR & DSLR views.

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