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Posts posted by james_frater

  1. I have always really wondered how many professional photographers

    out there use Minolta Gear.


    From media events to sporting events, I have seen mainly Nikon,

    Canon, and even Olympus camera's and lenses.


    With Minolta always being one of the big three out there, I have yet

    to see any modern day masters or Pro's using Minolta stuff.


    So who here is a professional using Minolta, and what type of

    photography do you do. And why are you not either with Nikon or

    Canon ????


    Just for once I would like to see a big event and see a minolta

    camera. Especially the 7D with a good Minolta lense on it, making it

    with the big boys.

  2. Here is a question I am hoping someone will answer for me.


    In recent threads about lenses it has reminded me of something.


    I have two new Sigma lenses 20-40 2.8 EX DG with a 82mm diameter,

    and a 28-70 2.8 EX DF which is 72mm.


    I see the Minolta 28-70 2.8 has a diameter of only 62mm


    What should one be looking for, because 20-40 is a massive lense

    with glass at diameter 82mm and makes me look like one of those

    Pro's (As I am only a serious amature at the moment)


    Wider glass give better results ?????


    What's people take, because my default Minolta D 28-100 is only

    52mm. Compared to these massive Sigma lenses.

  3. If you get the Sigma 28-70 this is not for digital mount and will have to use TTL like I do and I get great pics. the 24-70 is for digital mount and will work with ADI.


    To correct my earlier post, I have non D 28-70 and the 20-40 2.8D Sigma lenses which I think is a terrific lesne.


    The reason I bought these lense is because I can get them for nearly half the price of that for the equal Minolta lenses.


    But in (some cases) the more expensive does not always mean better.

  4. Nikon and many other makers change their lineup for pure marketing purposes. I see very little evolution in the newer models


    Nikon D70 to D70s, etc, etc, etc. Add a megapixel here or there or improve Autofocus which I think more than likely could have been made with a firmware update.


    Minolta I think leads the way in a few aspect still, Anti-shake for example. Still arte not going to get this on other brand without spending a few thousand on lenses that have in built in.

  5. I am buying. Not only is Minolta gear coming down in price, so too are third party lense makers for Minolta, Sigma, Tamron, Tokina.


    I just picked up a nice Simgma 24-70 F2.8 for Digital mount, that last month I would have paid $200 more for. So it works with ADI, everything.


    Buy baby, BUY !!!!!


    This is sort of like a dream for Minolta Users. Sony and KM say that the current lenses will work on the future Sony Digital SLR.


    Best time while the stupid people panic thinking the death bell has rung, I do not understand why lenses should drop, because both have stated that these lenses will work on the future Sony DSLR.


    Lets face it, I cannot see Sony making a camera worse than the 5D & 7D. I look forward to seeing what Sony does.

  6. Get the latest firmware from here




    But that said, you tried two cards and had problems after the camera hung.


    My second question is that if you have used those cards to take pics and transfered images many times, then it cannot be the card. Cause the problem should have been there from the start.


    Make sure you read how to update the firmware. Also adds and fixed the following issues


    1. Added the remote storage function which can be used in combination with the DiMAGE Transfer software.


    2. Speeded up its access to a memory card. This improvement shortens the writing speed to the memory card and USB data transfer speed. *Effect varies depending on the memory card.


    3. Added enlarged display function in both the histogram display and the index display in playback mode.


    4. Added luminance limit display function in the histogram display in instant playback.


    5. Modified the "No memory card" warning indication.


    6. Modified the following problems: - External flash fires with its full power in rare cases. - Camera freezes after self-timer recording in rare cases.

  7. Does not sound like a problem with the card, since the issue occurs on two different cards.


    I would maybe try re-installing the latest firmware again. I did read about this on another forum of the camera hanging then not able to read any cards. And a re-install of the firmware fixed it for another user.


    No hard in giving it a try.

  8. Get the 7D, a while ago it was one of the more expensive Digital SLR cameras for the semi pro consumer. Now it has dropped in price and the camera and quality of it has not changed one bit.


    I have tried most of the Digital SLR models out now (apart from the really high end pro models) and I love my 7D, funily enough those dials on the camera are perfect, a quick flick here and there to compensate is just what I love.


    I personally think with the grip it is one of the best body builds on the market.


    Just my opinion

  9. Lets get things a bit strait, Nikon and Canon dominate the Digital SLR market, But the Digicam market. I believe Kodak sell the most Digicams, followed by Sony.


    So I think in respect to consumer Digital cams, get the facts right before having it a battle between just Nikon and Canon.

  10. Okay scrap what I said. But check that the camera is set to ADI if you have a minolta D lense and also fill flash. Otherwise for non D lenses set to ADI with fill flash.


    Otherwise you have an issue with on-camera flash. That said, if new return it and exchange for a new one. No one should have to fix a new camera, just get another new one in exchange.

  11. Last year when Sony & KM announced they were going to work together to make D-SLR's 7D, 5D you knew they were going hit the higher end of the market.


    Now the question has to be what is considered High End.


    The 7D & 5D and really not high end camera's, that can take on the Top Canon and Nikon, or even the Fuji S3 Pro.


    And the A2 & A200 and considered high end (Digicams)


    So apart from cheaper models that all Brands make, I except the see much more of the same. High end Digicams. And a Low and medium end D-SLR's, and a advance on the 7D which could be around the level and price range of the Canon EOS 5D or maybe higher.


    I think Sony will want to make a statement that is seen around the world. They have the tools now to make a huge release, just like when Minolta Fans waited for their first D-SLR.


    Expect it to be a big, flashy, event to portray it as the most advanced, best digital camera's in the world.


    Anbd I think a price war maybe about to hit the market over the next year.


    To aim for that market share so soon, you have to have a price war.

  12. Found this posted today on www.steves-digicams.com


    Sony Aims For Quarter Share of DSLR Market


    Following Konica Minolta Holding Inc.'s announcement of withdrawal

    from the arena of the imaging business and an agreement to transfer

    Konica Minolta's assets related to R&D as well as manufacturing of

    DSLRs to Sony Corp., an official of Sony said on Jan. 20 it would

    aim for at least a quarter of share in the DSLR camera market in a

    few years, reports PEN News Weekly.

    Sony commands the second-largest share of the digicam market after

    Canon, but its operations have been focused mainly on compact

    models, missing lucrative DSLRs and interchangeable lenses to

    warrant a push. Canon and Nikon dominate the DSLR market with a

    combined market share of nearly 90 percent.


    Through acquisition of the right to use the Konica Minolta's

    Alpha/Maxxum mount system, access to manufacturing/designing

    technology and R&D/manufacturing assets (though Konica Minolta

    retains its patents), Sony plans a big push to high-end digicam

    market including DSLRs, to chip away at Canon's dominant market

    position, says PEN News Weekly.


    Yutaka Nakagawa, president of Sony's digital imaging business group,

    told reporters that the company "will target for at least 20-25

    percent of the world digicam market, and even a higher share as far

    as DSLRs are concerned, by making the most of its advantage," ie.,

    its capability to make key devices such as CCDs, lenses and LCDs. He

    continued: "Because there are only a few players in the DSLR market,

    we would like to grab an even bigger market share. We wish to

    nurture our DSLR segment to a business that accounts for more than

    20 percent of our total revenue from digicam sales in the near



    Sony plans to roll out its first high-end DSLR model jointly

    developed with Konica Minolta this summer. The company plans to

    entrust manufacture of its DSLRs to Konica Minolta's Malaysian

    company through capital participation. A certain number of designers

    and engineers may be transferred from Konica Minolta to Sony, but

    details are not disclosed, says PEN News Weekly. (Source: Photo

    Marketing Association's Newsline International)

  13. Actually what I said is true in a certain way.


    If left out and not protected and exposed to sunlight, the glass especially if it has a coating will degrade.


    With lenses, fungus, mould, etc can damage the glass.


    Well protected glass should be fine, but then again, many serious shooters get a camera and lense and a couple of years later it looks totally banged up.


    Filters can contain fine scratches, the older they are the more prone to damage.


    In perfect conditions and a perfect world glass can live forever. But then again nothing is perfect forever.

  14. KM is not a dying system, the name will vanish, but just about everything else will live on. I am pretty sure that Sony will produce an Digital SRL. That will certainly fit current KM lenses. And will be a beautiful SRL camera.


    That said I do not see anything in my near future that will make me upgrade from the 7D.


    And lets face it, you are a pro, then more than likely years ago you were brain washed into a Nikon or Canon outfit. So if a pro wants to change from Minolta, they usually will have the money to do this.


    Some people who portray to be Konica Minolta lovers just appear to want to bag the brand and burn it to hell.


    For those people will you please go away. I bought my 7D camera just before Christmas and love it. I bought two quality Sigma lenses for it that give me lovely sharp pics, added to my old lenses and my 5600HS flash. I still love it.


    I have been promised by KM and Sony that if something goes wrong it will be fixed. So I will leave it at that.


    For those who see doom and gloom, I pity you all, what a shame you will not enjoy your photography anymore, thinking you have a camera that is worthless.


    For Shame on you people.


    My KM gear will live forever.

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