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Posts posted by namurray

  1. I like to define what I call prime sports in the following way: consider two cavemen standing in the bush, buck naked. They haven't yet invented the spear, boomerang or waddy. They want to decide who is the better man. They can fight each other,run against each other,jump, lift or throw objects, and since they stand near a stream they can swim against each other. These activities therefore can be considered the prime, true and supreme sports, namely: athletics and field events,swimming, wrestling (perhaps boxing)and weightlifting. The less athleticism involved in an activity and the more technology or reliance simply on skill, the less valid the claim to it being a sport.


    Shooting and yachting for example involve skill and judgement rather than athleticism and strength and therefore have a tenuous claim to being true sports.

    On the other hand, there is no doubt that Rudolph Nureyev displayed superior athleticism and strength but that doesn't make ballet a sport. Why? Because ballet lacks a necessary element for a sport which is competition.


    Ballroom dancing is now called dance sport here in Australia and watching some of the dances you couln't argue that the dancers display both athleticism and strength. And they are competing. So that sort of stuffs my argument I suppose.


    Sorry for the ramble but it's an interesting thread from a thread.

  2. Rather than expand the criteria of the existing rating system I reckon reduce them. Get rid of the originality rating and just have a 1 to 10 rating. One to ten is a universally applied rating system which we all understand. I think such a system would work well. I find the originality judgement a hindrance rather than a help.
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