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Posts posted by michael_hassoun3

  1. Hi Folks


    I was thinking of getting a fast 50mm (1.4 or 1.5).

    The summilux is out of my price range.


    As far as I can understand all the following options are excellent:

    canon 1.4, VC Nokton, Nikon 1.4.


    The Nikon seems to be a bit more expensive, so I am asking about Canon vs.



    If the optical qualities of both are comparable, I really would like the

    sturdier build quality and smoother operation. Any advice on this?


    I understand the canon is build of brass, what about the VC?


    I have a Ultron 28mm and the feel is good although focusing is too stiff for

    my taste. Is that something to expect fron the Nokton?


    Thanks in advance for your advices!

  2. Hi Folks


    Thanks for helping!


    I solve the problem: the fact that in the automation cycle:

    trigger->first sutter opening ->slow speed buzz-> 2nd shutter closing

    I was stuck after the first shutter opening and the dial rotation.

    Well, I thought the prpoblem was not in the slow timer but in the slow spped timer ACTUATION. I cleant the speed dial mechanics and things were OK.

    Now I had a strange problem after a few hours. At speeds slower than 1/20th I couldn't complete the winding. Close to the end soomething was bumping into the slow speed rod. I still don't know what it was but I decided that maybe some part near the speed dial needed Lube. Itried it and now everything works (so far).

    BTW, I couldn't manage to open the uppper cover (speed dial stuck) and I did all the cleaning and lube using the slow speed rod and fast speed dial as "leaders" to the internal parts for the fluids. That means a pretty inaccurate job. Am I expecting problems from having lubed the mechanics in such a sloppy way?


    About the former answers:

    Yes, what I used is white benzine (nafta)

    how would you advise to try to clean the curtains? water? dry?




  3. Hi all


    a few days ago, with the help of an old basic repair manual I succeeded to

    dismantle an old III to a certain degree, clean the dirt with white benzine

    and relube it. It worked really great on the moment including slow speeds. I

    felt great :-)


    Today, the results are a bit more complex: fast speeds are working ok but slow

    speeds are problematic. They are not erratic but rather, pushing the trigger

    opens the first curtain but the slow speed timer is not activated untill I

    remove the pression from the trigger button. It really seems that it's a

    cleaning problem. Does someone knows what is wrong?


    Another thing: The curtains seem very old and dirty. one of them even seems to

    have lost its elasticity. would it be good to clean them and how?


    Thanks in advance for your help



  4. Hi Folks, Thanks for your help!


    Let me try to help you help me :-)


    The lens is in two parts, the base is LTM and contain the helicoidal focusing mount. no optics there.


    The front block is in a smaller thread and contains optics and aperture. between the two parts there is a shim that may (or may not) be the sign of some kind of later fitting.


    The whole thing seems to be aluminum. quite light compared to our Leica heavyweights.


    I know it starts to sound like a riddle :-)


    Thanks again for your efforts,<div>00IfBd-33311984.jpg.650390af8ca355dc5dfbe7b51afda654.jpg</div>

  5. regular counter clock wise turn to open the screw.


    be carefull that the screw you need to open is not the one on the upper side of the knob but the small one on the inner side of the knob. after you unscrew it a bit (no need to go all the way), turn the knob counter clock wise while you hold the little fork in tyhe camera that conect to the film canister. The knob will unscrew. change it all the way back (screw the new knob, tighten the screw)


    best of luck

  6. "pretty cool that the chosen people need the less blessed to change the light bulbs for them."


    OF COURSE this is NOT an antisemitic remark. Jews are SOOOO susceptible, they see antisemitism everywhere. they are just paranoids....

    First it clearly comes from someone that deeply understand what is Judaism. This man seems also to be genious in understanding the modern world. Doesn't he change the light bulb each time he needs to switch the lights on? Impressive isn't it??


    Second the poster is proud and responsible enough to identify himself by his full name. Such a proud man just CANNOT be an antisemite jerk.


    Third, "Another" is a Jewish name from a well known family of respectable rabbis. Thank you Mr Another for your enlightments on the Talmudic laws of the Shabbat.


    Hello?? A moderator?? someone??

  7. Kerry

    I better understand your reaction now and certainly can't judge it. Still about religions:


    the two main killer ideaologies of the 20th century where basically secular and even anti-religious ones (Nazism ans Stalinism).


    some eastern religions seem to be basically non-violent. I guess (although I really do not know) bouddism has never led to war. This issue of religions and faith and imposing its views (by using violence) is a very complex one. Maybe the problem is in mankind and not in religions....


    take care

  8. WOW


    at least superior, rational, people joining us...

    just to answer the latest posts:


    1- faith has nothing to do with rational understanding of the world. the fact that physical laws and phenonmenon exists and are modelled by humans cannot be a proof of god's non-existence. Proving the non-existance of anything is a very hard task (ask a matematician)

    and for those that think that faith in supernatural/god is a sign of imbecility:






    that's for the only two that pop in mind. I believe they are not alone...


    2- what the heck respect of religious practices of other people has to do with faith. I know a lot of faithfull, non-observant people and I also met religious people that has some serious doubt about the existence or the "form" of god. Let's talk photography for a second: human beings seems to be a "religious animal". Lots of them believe in god or in gods or in super powers. some even in Santa :-)

    These religions are often closely expressed in the cultural and visual landscape of the different people and are VERY INTERESTING TO PHOTOGRAPH. Now, the only way (or should I say, the only good reason) I now to make good pictures of this, is to be curious of these faith and to a certain extend, to understand their mechanisms. Should I reach India, I would certainly avoid to eat a juicy steak in the middle of the street. Believe me or not, I'm not even close to believe that a cow can be holy. But I'm very curious of that belief and will listen to explanations about this with a great curuosity. I think Marc demonstrated a great deal of sensibility by trying not to offend the beliefs of the people that invited him to Shabbat eve.


    3- I agree that this thread may seem just a tiny bit off topic...:-)


    Go shoot some film and enjoy, :-)

  9. I'm a secular but I know that if you want to do pictures in a certain environement, you have to respect it and understand it.

    "not loosing your time" with religious people can be fine for you. There is a whole world between our secular, democratic, judeo-christian occidental education and true fanatism (meaning when human life is not respected anymore or hate is the basic bind btween people) that you simply chose not to explore. I find that meeting completely different types of people, of believes and of ways of life to be a great deal of interest in photography. go figure....

  10. Hello Marc



    I think any kind of photography is forbidden on Shabbat,No matter what kind of camera. The problem is that you produce, you create something. you can't draw neither, for the same reasons (and as far as I know, electronic brushes are not much in use). I am very little of a rabbi so take my explanations with care :-).



    hope this helps.



  11. For sale:


    Minox C (I hope I'm not mistaking on the model) in leather case, good general

    condition, You will have to help me to check if it works (I have no idea how

    those things work, I'm not a user..). It does "wind and click"


    minox film magnifier LNIB

    Minox binocular attachement LNIB instructions and box slightly worn


    asking 300$


    Have fun



  12. This picture may show you that not all of them are verry happy to be photographied :-)


    generally, and aside some sects like Neturei Karta which are ideologically opposed to photography, they are reasonable people and as long as they don't feel like animals photographed in zoo, they are ok. The problem is that they have been sistematically treated that way. Imagine yourself in a neighbourhood where everyday a few tourist buses stops and 50 strangers goes down and try to photograph you because your soooooo typical. I know I would have turned quite aggressive toward any camera pointed at me...

    With time and respect, no problem to photograph them.


  13. Hi


    I just received a vented hood bought from heavystar on the site you know. Its

    the conical style and really looks ok. It seems to me a bit small and

    positioned "far" from the lens when mounted on my last version 50mm 'cron with

    a B+W filter.



    I was wandering If somone uses it with a filter and can confirm that there is

    no vignetting.



  14. I see lots of used 0.72 bodies and a fair amount of 0.85. Where are all those

    0.58 ???

    Six years ago, the only reason for me to buy a new M6TTL over a used M6 was

    this excellent 0.58 finder. I wear glasses and shoot extensively 35mm focal. I

    guess I'm not the only one around.

    So I wander. Is this 0.58 finder model unloved from some unclear reason and so

    only very few where/are bought OR is it so good that nobody wants to sell???

    Any clue?

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