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Posts posted by steven_moseley1

  1. <p>I had a Hoya PRO-1, supposed to be their best...it stuck on the lens thread first time out...they may be good, but they are still not anti-binding BRASS mounts, like the<strong> B+W</strong> and <strong>Heliopan</strong>. I would always stick with one of the two German made ones.</p>
  2. <p>1. Not sure if any of us needed a review to tell us this: "small, slow" :)</p>

    <p>2. It will be interesting to see if other reviews agree and whether users on PN also agree...</p>

    <p>cheers Steve.</p>

  3. <p>Hi,<br>

    Miles...there seems to be a lack of forthcoming replies. I know there are a fair few UK folk on here, but this is mostly a USA forum and a lot of what Kelly says makes perfect sense.</p>

    <p>Even then, recommendations for one particular canvas print supplier can be misleading. Very few photographers would be able to judge what is and what is not a good canvas print. An artist may know better. You may have a much more discerning attitude than others. The point I am making is that I think you need to see the product yourself to judge by your own standards.</p>

    <p>I have to say that photo printing on canvas has become very in vogue over the last 2 years and there is much competition now, but pretty much all the ones I have seen have felt a little tacky and on the cheap side. A visit to the once yearly NEC photo show is every helpful for this type of enquiry.</p>

    <p>cheers Steve.</p>

  4. <p>"immerse myself into the rangefinder world for street and social photos"</p>

    <p>....it is a very large myth that you need a rangefinder for this...there are many, many excellent street photogs using SLR's, in fact I recently saw some stunning work by a street shooter using a medium format camera.</p>

  5. <p>Many manufacturers of all sorts of things now work a system of 'just in time' where they only order parts 'at the last minute' only make items 'at the last minute' and manufacture in batches at the last minute to satisfy current predicted demand. Due to so much competition and retailers being ever more squeezed on margins, none want to over stock on anything...so stock shortages are common everywhere.</p>
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