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Image Comments posted by kellyphillips


    You have just won the honor of having the most bizzare thing I have ever seen in my life! Congrats on being original. I think it's funny, I just wonder what kind of reaction you would get if you sent this out as a Christmas card to the family....

    basketball 3


    Would you crop this closer? I don't plan on using this for anything

    since it's not really a great image, but I would like to know how

    other people would crop a shot like this. This was my first B-ball

    game and I was shooting with a rebel XT (not the greatest sports

    camera. Thanks in advance.

    basketball 1


    Very new to Basketball and it shows. First off I don't have the right

    glass. I used a 24-105mm L IS for this. THat's the best lens I have.

    Lack of background blur aside, is there any other advice that can

    help me with basketball shots?

    basketball 2


    My first basketball game. I'm not too proud of these shots, but

    thought I would post anyway. I have a great deal more respect for

    basketball photographers after this.

  1. Hi Bill,

    I live right up the road from you in Auburn KY, so I've seen this city many times. This is a great shot. There are a couple of things that bother me with it though. The rail in the bottom left is one. Now that I noticed it, my eyes go right to it everytime that I look at the photo. Also I think there is just a slight bit too much dead space at the top. I would rather see the attention on Riverfront or the street above instead of the sky. Also, I'm not familiar with film, but I think that a boost in contrast really makes this pop. I think it's a great photo as is, with a few little compositional changes this is immaculate. I love cityscapes at night. I've been meaning to get down to Nashville and spend some time shooting. I really want to shoot the bridge that you are standing on here, or the stadium at night. Take care and welcome to photo.net!


    Don't eat that!


    Feel free to comment on my lighting and pose. Really the pose just

    happened, you can't tell babies how to pose and expect them to hold

    it very long. Thanks for looking.

    Album Cover


    It's real good to get used to layers. I just learned how to use them not long ago and my photoshop work has become 100 times better. Layers solves all. Your version is kind of dark for my taste, BUT it still looks cool like that. I'm going to play around with this and see what I come up with. Stay tuned.


    Album Cover

    Also, SHay, what exactly did you do to make this cool looking? I can see you used a plastic filter, but I'm not sure how you got it to look like blocks in the back. Most of the other stuff I could probably figure out. Thanks again.

    Album Cover

    Shay, I appreciate all the time you have put into this. I think your version is really freaking cool. Actually, I will show that to the band and see what they think. I really do like it alot and I believe they will too. As far as teh cd name, we had discussed where to put it. We thought about putting it above the flowers. It will be "the fall of man." Yeah my computer crashed when I was typing last time. It really pissed me off after typing for 15 minutes.



    Hi. This photo caught my eye. There are just a few things that could be done differently to make this close to perfect. Notice that the focus is on the background. When taking pictures of people or animals, the eyes should be the main focus. I didn't notice what camera you are using, but if you can select the center focus point, do that and put it on the eye. Also, the contrast is pretty good, but I gave it just a tiny boost to see what it would look like. A little trick that I use and get away with sometimes in this situation is to create a copy layer and blur it, then make the eyes the sharpest part of the frame. Sometimes this will work if the eyes are pretty sharp to begin with like in this one. Here's my version, hope you don't mind. Take care.


    Album Cover

    Thanks for all of the comments, sorry I haven't responded sooner. Shay I hope you don't remember me as the chicken eye guy forever, I usually shoot "normal" things. lol. Also I have typed a long (10-15 minutes worth of typing) LONG explaination on why all of your points are correct about the problems with this and why my client wanted it that way, BUT my computer has locked up TWICE and I lost it and I don't feel like typing it again (that's almost 30 minutes of typing and I hate re-doing things) Maybe I'll try again tommorrow.

    Album Cover

    I usually don't pay attention to ratings and I certainly didn't post this to get them but a 3/3? Come on, maybe a 3 for Aesthetics, I could see that, but for originality? How many times have you ever seen this?! Do people even look at these pictures on this site anymore?

    Album Cover


    I was hired to shoot an album cover for a death metal band in my

    area. This is the basic idea. There are a few more things that need

    to be fixed, but after 2 hours of photoshop, I'm too tired right now.

    I am posting this to see if anyone has any opinions on things wrong

    with the photo. This was very complicated to put together and took a

    couple of weeks. I used 5 exposures. The band name is scratched into

    the shelf (I messed up the first time so I had to shoot in a

    different area and overlay in PS) The shelf and jars was painted with

    a flashlight in my dark studio. The model was shot hanging upside

    down with a fan underneath to blow the hair up and make it look like

    it was floating in the liquid. (her hair was caught in the fan making

    for a scary moment) =) She had a green geled spotlight lighting her

    face from the ceiling and a reflector underneath. I think I covered

    everything that went into this except the massive amount of

    photoshop. I hope to hear some good feedback. Thanks to all. Sorry

    about the graphic nature of this photo, I promise the model was not

    hurt (too bad)



    My beautiful wife lit with a 420EX. Light was bounced off a newspaper

    held to her right and above. Comments, suggestions are appreciated.

    Window Light

    This is off of the subject, but do you still think that the mark 3 beats the 5D in image quality? Have you shot any portraits with the mark3? I haven't shot anything in a while, I've been kind of discouraged. It's mostly from spending the last 3 days looking at Todd Laffler's work. He is to weddings/portraits what Marc Adamus is to landscapes. Seeing how good he is makes me want to give up sometimes. Looking at Todd's work, I love the 5D (also Marc's). I love the 6.5 FPS and a few other features of the 40D, but in a few years it's going to be as useless as my rebel is now. The mark 3 has the best features from both the 5D and 40D, but it costs as much as my car is worth. If you could only have one out of the 3 which would it be? (I'm guessing you will say mark3.) By the way, did you take this same shot with the 5D and 135mm (or 85mm)? I would like to see a comparison if you have one. Take care.
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