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Image Comments posted by lucas82


    Yes Milo, that's an AK. He's one of the strongest guys I've known, so in theory he doesn't "need" the AK. However, this was taken while he was role-playing as a terrorist for training purposes. The dirt and grime on his shirt comes from being "terminated" and falling to the wet ground once troops (like the one in "Water Crossing") ID him as a hostile threat and take action.



    I've decided to go back to the good old days of 35mm shooting (READ:

    My digital is on the fritz) so I'm realizing just how great my

    scanner isn't. As usual, comments and critiques are very much


  1. Hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of making some adjustments to this shot with my PhotoShop. This was a bit dark for my taste, and I know you were worried about losing detail without a flash, so I tried to keep that in mind. Check it out...

  2. I see a line of people waiting to get into a show of some sort, with the entrance being somewhere to the right :0)


    Regardless, I like the contrast and simplicity of the colors here. Very nice shot.


    Waleed, that's actually quite amazing. Are you still residing there? I saw your portfolio and noted the Dubai shots as well as some from Europe. Who knows, perhaps if we'd been on this site sooner, we could have met for some Chai some time :0)

    Moving Day


    My sentiments exactly about the flag making it, Sarah. I consider it much like the arabic writing that you pointed out in my "Barringer" shot. It helps to "place" the scene and add to the story.


    As for Pierre, I'm not the only one he's paid a visit to. I even saw where he bugged Mr. Root about one of his photo's. I could argue all day about geopolitical issues and the US war on Terror, but that's not what I'm here for. I argue that stuff when I write, here, it's strictly photos.

  3. Good point Sarah. I'll go back and play with it again, see what I can't whip up. I just thought the original was such a mess (the early days of my shooting), but surely I could render something better than this.
  4. In one of the towns we visited regularly, the children loved us to

    visit their school. When we came through in the mornings, the kids

    would insist we walk to school with them so they could show us off

    to the others. I just happened to se this opportunity on the front

    of a store near Kirkuk.

    Moving Day


    Pierre, I have no idea where you are from, though I can imagine. Believe me, there was no arrogance in planting that flag. As in any country I've been to, we put up flags to identify our camps. Just as the Brits put their flag up in their camps, and Germans, and yes, even the French (Djibouti, Africa).


    However, I am not here to argue politics with you. I wanted an opinion on the photo itself (composition, color, aesthetics, originality, and so forth). If you cannot provide any useful insight to those ends, please, stay the hell away from my photos.

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