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Image Comments posted by lucas82

    Baby Blues

    Beautiful shot, full of personality. I think a shallower DOF might make it a stronger image, but that face draws you in from the start anyway.

    Digital colors

    Simplicity of colors is something I really enjoy. But a natural occurance of such contrasting simple colors...that's outstanding. Nicely shot.

    Bird's Nest


    Does this shot work overall? I've never done much birding and just

    had the opportunity to get up close and personal with this nest. Any

    thoughts on the overall composition?

    Enemy Front

    What are the red and blue triangles about? It almost looks like an explanation of where the "red" and "blue" forces are at (as intel weenies refer to enemy and friendly forces).

    Laying In Wait


    I know that typically you'd try to get a closer shot of your subject

    or at least have them interact in some way for the camera...but it

    wasn't happening here. I'm surprised this shot even came out. This

    guy scared the snot out of me when I walked right up on him.

    Creepy Swamp


    Maybe it was just creepy to me because I spent several hours in this swamp pulling spider webs off my face, swatting at mosquitos, and constantly looking around for Gators and snakes (of which I found plenty).


    But now, looking at it in a detached manner, I guess it is more surreal and not so creepy-looking.

    Creepy Swamp

    I'm very glad you all enjoy this shot. Like Alpo, I too had to spend a good while looking at it and examining it before I decided to post it for critique. Thank you for your words and ratings.


    I'm almost always a fan of the sepia tones. On top of that, you really caught a great expression on her face. Very nice.

    Mt Bromo Java

    Very effective with the red tint, though there appears to be some noise in the darker portions. But then that could just be my ratty screen. Looks kinda like something out of a comic book.



    Bubu, I think this photo lacks a real subject. Did you want our focus on the water? On the moss hanging at center? I'm not sure.



    Bird Girls


    Savannah knows that "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" has

    made it very famous...and like any good capitalist should--they make

    money off of these statues that are replicas of the Bird Girl

    featured on the cover of the novel.

  1. A Presbyterian church built atop the graves of Portugese Jewish

    settlers (with consent of Jewish leaders). Note the Stars of David

    along the bottom.


    I know the right corner is gone, but it was eiter fit the whole

    steeple and part of the palm tree or vice-versa. What do you think?

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