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Image Comments posted by jamesg

    Country roads


    I'm disturbed by the fact that someone in photo.net land can give an image such as this a 3/4... and the kicker is that they do it anonymously. I'm starting to think that photo.net needs to only allow 3's if there is a critique included.

    Sorry to clutter your critique thread with this.



    Country roads


    Another great study in line! The bottom of the frame sweeps you into the road; the ruts give a sinuous accent to the barn and all this capped by an ominous sky. Then we loop to the right to look at the detail in the hay trailer. Awesome work; beautifully constructed!



  1. I think you and I are the only ones on photo.net that like this image. :^)

    I wonder if our monitors are calibrated exactly the same!


    I was pretty excited and awed when I saw the trees light up... and therefor I am willing to admit that I may think too highly of it. BUT I am VERY pleased that you took the time to look at it and comment!


    Thanks again!


  2. Thanks Stephan! Great suggestion! I don't have any images that go further to the left other than 16mm wide angle shots (this was at ~70mm). I did try cropping the darkest of the bottom and brought in more from the top that I had previously cropped the top. I am attaching the finished product.


    Thanks again for your help!



    Magic Blue door.


    The contrast between the blue of the door and the yellow of the stone frame is incredible! You have choosen the perfect soft light in which to take the photo.




  3. I do see what you mean! Thanks for uploading that beautiful photo to demonstrate! That was some awesome framing!


    I have to admit that I didn't think much about the sky when taking this photo (my other photos that morning where all about the sky) or when I had the image in photoshop. And I do like your explanation as to why it works.




  4. Thanks ever so much Vicki!!! I took a look at your profile... you've had a very interesting career! You puppy picture is great (I showed both my young boys and they loved it also). Thanks for taking the time to critique my photo. May I ask how did you happened upon it?


    Thanks again!



  5. Thanks for your critique, for taking the time to comment on the series AND for commenting on my portfolio! I really appreciate the support from a photographer of your caliber.


    Thanks again,



  6. Arcarius,


    I see what you are saying about the clouds. I tried to backoff the polarization affect by lightening the sky a bit. Unfortunately the clouds are rendered unnaturally. I know you are not insinuating that the sky has been replaced but I would like to state that it was not.

    Great comment... and now I will go back to the raw image to see if there is a better way to lighten the sky.




    Fall Cottonwoods


    Thanks for your kind comments everyone!



    You nailed it! This is at Teller Farm on Valmont. The blue blue sky is due to the polarizer. I probably should tune down the sky... but I liked how it contrasted the cottonwood leaves.

    I put an pseudo IR version in the same folder.

    When you get back into town look for a 6'5" guy with the 5D. :^) And, I'm sorry to say, fall colors are about over. We are getting 3 to 4 inches of snow tonite which should strip most of the trees.


    Thanks again!


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