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Posts posted by darius.tulbure

  1. Not quite. It is pretty clear to me... I've just made another experiment. <p><i>A photo of mine had 2 or 3 high ratings blocked for a week, and I asked a friend of mine to rate my photo with a rating that shouldn't modify the average. After that, instantaneously my blocked ratings were unblocked.</i><p>It happened again with Landrum Kelly's <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00Lyzd">photo</a>. <p>Once again I feel compelled to say that the levers used by PN administrators are at least queer and... inefficient. The reason? They seem to overlook the real problems of this community website. I hope this will change, because it is (was?) a very good site.
  2. After the famous 3/3 rater, now the bogus rater comes into play. This is kind of funny, whilst the main problems of PN are actually the small number of ratings and the low frequency of quality comments. As long as the rating system remains the same, topics about bots, 3/3 raters and bogus accounts will be always trendy.
  3. Carl, Fred - you are both right. People tend to appreciate and rate the content of the photo, not the photo as a means of artistic and maybe philosophic expression. This is particularly obvious with the great images here which have "ugly" content.
  4. ...But not controlling the quality of your product on the other hand can seriously damage the business. A real and fair business has a mission and a target. The question is: what is the PN's purpose and function now compared to what was 3-4 years ago? Another one: have PN's target change? Where do we see photo.net 5 years from now? Is photo.net a mass portal? Is there the risk to become one?
  5. Well, Biliana, I was banned from this forum for complaining about the system. It seems that the phrase "there is nothing we can do - this is the less disastrous system that can exist" is the perfect excuse for doing whatever... invisible things. Obviously, the system is the same. Almost nothing changed from December 2005. But the things had been going much better back then. The PN demographics was different. Even an average photo used to get over 20 anonymous ratings. Now? The TRP rarely have that kind of number.<p>Josh, I'm not evil-witted. On the contrary: I want the old PN back. I'm a marketer. I know that satisfying your clients in a superior way doesn't always bring you profit. And I know that changing the system requires money. And I know that the affluence of members is not a bad thing from this POV. But...
  6. David says something. OK, let's not force the PN members to rate 25 photos. Let's make them rate a ridicule number of 5, or nothing. The really important thing is to do a well-thought internal marketing campaign to promote "a sort of civic responsibility" among the PN members. That wouldn't cost too much and I think will bring out some results.
  7. Interesting point, Fred. And I think partially this way too. However, let's not forget about the hundreds of cheap snapshots uploaded every day on PN. They deserve to be rated low. <P>The hardest thing for me (and I think for everybody else) is to appreciate originality and the aesthetics (in the broadest sense) more that pure beauty.
  8. I think nobody reviews them. I think they just block the ratings from the new members and keep them blocked for several days, to prevent abnormalities in the TRP. After that period, the ratings are unlocked... <p>There is a theory that says ratings are unblocked by new ratings that come after 2-3 days of blocking. Once I tried that. A photo of mine had 2 or 3 high ratings blocked for a week, and I asked a friend of mine to rate my photo with a rating that shouldn't modify the average. After that, instantaneously my blocked ratings were unblocked. <p>I'm curious what a moderator would say about this...
  9. This is not a bad photo. It is just plain. And it has a below 5/5 average. Believe me, there are thousands of crappy photos overrated - occasionally on the TRP. I think it has the rating it deserves. <p>Jacob Brown, I think one of the two high raters have really interesting photos. I don't think this kind of comments really help anyone. <p>One can enjoy something that another hates - one's haven is another's hell.
  10. Hmm... What is the best age to see that a bad photo is bad? I'm 23 and I am often disgusted or amused by the stupidity of the photos posted... And what is even worse is that the top rated photos occasionally look like the photo critique forum... no +value at all. But that is ok. As long as I can see one or two photos a day that I find really valuable and inspiring - I am satisfied. And by the way - weekends are a very bad time for seeking after good photos. I don't know why. By the way 2 - I have boring cat photos too in my portfolio and SF landscapes as well... We all have sins: LOL.
  11. <i><a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00LO7w">Good

    people leave PN</a></i>.<p>What the hack is your problem Bob Gentile? Why do sarcastic people like you laugh at and ridicule somebody, even when that person expresses a personal opinion, and actually a correct one?<p>It's your logic so distorted? Why didn't you satirized her more? So that we all can mock her, for expressing an intelligent point.

  12. This is not the point. Ellis, you can say it was a loss of time crafting that image. You know what? I wouldn't believe you.

    The fact that posting a photo when the web traffic is high and don't getting any feed-back is the point. I can use ACDSee to view my own works, I don't need PN for that! And as long posting on PN is a monologue it's like viewing your own photos alone.


    And come on! It might not be a super trooper extra photo, but come on... you can see bigger crap than this, overrated... or just rated and commented.


    And dear moderator, I feel the need to laugh again... When I post a question/thread/etc. on PN feed-back forum, the photo is moved to the casual conversations forum and vice versa :))

  13. Today (let's say @19:30 London time) I've posted a photo and until now I've got

    no ratings... But I have a comment, but unfortunately a copy-pasted one it saids

    "I like this composition, perfect color, best regards.". You will find this

    exact comment on at least 10 photos... So... Why bothering? What are the

    advantages? I would pay double, to get something in exchange! In this case, my

    unsubscribed membership fits me perfectly - at least I don't loose anything...

    Btw, $25 means 10% of my wage. And guess what? I'm a 8h/day junior copywriter. I

    feel ashamed to say this, but it sucks living in Romania. This is the truth...

    and that's why I don't want to throw $25 out of the window...


    I'm delusional too.

  14. Now,Fred, I understand. I should masturbate using PN as material. No. I am not that unhappy. But PN members have serious problems.<p>However, today I've noticed an interesting thing. If you filter the TRP results by average you get a whole another set of photos! Actually... there are almost only valuable works. Two conclusions: I will from now on filter by average way and the people who rate high bad nudes (only because they are nudes) rate anonymously. Hmm... another argument to disable the anonymous rating system. It doesn't work. Simple.
  15. The PN's business card makes me vomit. Except maybe for 2 or 3 photos. Please

    people, do something. Resurrect the value system of the PN! Do something in

    order to propel the good photos in top, and the average/bad photos on the back

    line, not the other way around!

  16. It is not about viewing them or not. I'm not complaining about the critique forum, where the rule "you like it, you view it, you rate it, you comment it" is fair, I'm talking about the TRP, the TOP RATED PHOTOS. If you think that a system where the very best shots should be on top, but actually the top is formed by average photos including way under average nudes, works well, than I don't know what to think anymore. <p>It's a matter of principle and not about "my liking". <p>A photo may not suit my tastes, but I know some things about photographic art and I saw thousands of great photos and therefore I'm capable to recognize the value of a photo (if it has any) even if I wouldn't hang it on my wall.
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