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cyrus khamak

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Image Comments posted by cyrus khamak

  1. Thank you Barry. What I do like about this Frog, is the way he has tucked his paws under his chin and very attentively and happily is looking strait into the camera. To me, it seems like he knows exactly what is going on.

    Thank you for the comment.




    hello Elaine,

    This is such a good capture, I believe it's the best of this very beautiful young lady. I do think however that you can improve on the composition here, I could very well be wrong but I'd probably on camera left, cut to just before the curl. On the top, I'd cut to right below where the hair is parting and on the bottom, to just below the first curl on camera right. This will probably bring her face more into fcus.


    Back Off


    Thank yo Jan,

    As I was joking at he time I was shooting this monster, he could fit me with the camrea in his mouth, good thing he was not hungry! :o)



    A VERY STRONG PRESENCE OF THE BLUE CHANNEL. yOU CAN SEE IT IN THE DRESSES AND SPECIALLY IN THE SKIN TONES. Besides that, this is a lovely image. The following works better for me. Regards.


    The elements *


    beautiful action shot with a lot of detail, nice composition as well. For me, too bad the horse is not facing the camera. Love horses and woould have loved to see his face.

    Kind regards.



    Thanks Jan, I don't really remember how I tried to focus because it was a quick snap. Tried to shoot before he notices me. He lives in Jonkoping by the way!

    Best regards.

    True Colors

    :o) The battery was fine, it's just the colors in the sky was strange and too much, like that bright yellow cloud the like of which I have never seen before. Like I said, it was so bright that would blow out even with 2 stops under. I'll post it, you'll see.
  2. This was not meant to set or suggest a level of brightness or exposure for this image. It was only an exercise to see how much detail one could bring out of an image like this before the image detoriates and also how much brighter one could make it using PS.

    True Colors


    Hello Maggie,

    Thanks for the comment. I took this image along with quite a few others about a month ago, yes at the same lake.

    for some reasons I get some outrageous colors in the sunset sometimes. The day I took these, it was the strangest I had ever seen. I actually de saturated and mellowed these colors. It looked like the whole sky was on fire. A few minutes before this, there was such a bright yellow cloud in the sky like I had never seen before and it almost busted my camera! Seriously, no matter how low you'd go on the exposure, it would get blown out. Fortunately I got that one in raw but still, For almost a month, no luck-no way was I able to get a conversion that looked natural, STRANGE. My professional friends couldn't help either, had to play lots of tricks, massive amount of magenta was all over the place! I will post it and maybe more a little later.

    What you see in the front with the "hole" in it, is a rock covered with snow and the hole is probably the wind effect.




    I know you'd normally leave some extra space in the direction he's looking at but in this case, the image is kind of centered and my eyes keeps on wondering around. try croping a chunk from his left and a bit from the top. Who knows, it might improve the image.



    Thanks Maggie. This is only a candid snapshot as he was staring into the fireplace. You are right, I loaded this mainly because of the light and I think I should crop it on the top to just below the hairline, what do you thin?



    hello Maggie,

    He is my Nephew, Danial. I took quite a few images last summer in less than 5 minutes time as he was constantly and rapidly changing expressions. he is very good at it. I have loaded two and maybe upload more.

    About the light in the background, it has it's pluses and it has it's minuses. I'm glad it's not brighter than it is. It helps define the chin a little better and the diagonal shadow it creates, helps put the image in a context, I think. On the minus side, it's there and it could creat a distraction. I'm glad it,s not brighter than it is.

    Thanks for the good comment.




    Hello Rafik, Are you still stuck on that sharpness issue!! :)

    I actually preffer it to being tack sharp, I think sometimes details are distacting, or maybe you are right as well, let's see.


    Back Off


    Thank you M.M. and thank you Rafik. M.M.' what you thought was the bedding, is the snake. It was a gigantic snake, he said it was about 90 pounds.


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