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Posts posted by justin_thornton1

  1. Hello I am quite new to the EOS system and I am looking for

    information about which lenses would be good and the best cost

    benefit. I Have a Canon 20D and as of right now only have a 50mm 1.8

    II Lens.


    Right now I am looking at 2 groups of lenses


    The first group is either the Canon EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 II USM or

    the �Canon EF 28-105mm f/4-5.6 USM� I am wondering if the II mark is

    worth the $90 difference between the two. To me it seams that its

    worth it. The Mark II seems better with the sharper MTF chart and

    Faster aperture. Any advice between the Difference here would be much

    appreciated, along with any other suggestions for another lens that

    covers approximately the same range


    The second group I am looking at is either the Canon EF 75-300mm

    f/4.0-5.6 III USM Or the Canon EF 100-300mm f/4.5-5.6 USM Again is it

    worth the $90 Dollar difference The 100-300mm seams to me like the

    better deal with the sharper MTF chart and focus window. Any advice

    between the Difference here would be much appreciated, along with any

    other suggestions for another lens that covers approximately the same



    I mostly photograph indoor and outdoor sports for the college

    newspaper. Other subjects include night and low light photography

    (50mm 1.8 is quite fine for that) candid of people indoors and out.

    Also general subjects. I have so far had to borrowing a friends really

    slow 28-300mm lens, he is no help on lens selection� likes his new

    faster 28-300mm and nothing else.


    If you can suggest any other lens that are not too far over $300 or

    less is appreciated. Mainly I am looking for a lens(es) that cover the

    28-300mm range. I would like them to be very sharp and fast as

    possible with staying not too far from my budget. I would not mind if

    it was 2 or more lenses separately. But sharpness and fast aperture

    are key, along with build quality.


    Thank you for your time. I think I may have found some good ones but

    feel free to suggest.



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