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Image Comments posted by mdd1



    Sometimes I feel like Harvey is becoming a bit ' my dog' :) I look at your Harvey-pictures very often because i like the little rascal very much :)

    Can you tell me how you made this one? I have tried to make this kind of actionshots with my dogs but i am always too late. What lens did u use, what focal length and shutterspeed?



  1. Because of your comment in the ' five' topic i got curious and wanted to see your flowerphoto's because i also love to take pictures of them.

    You have a wonderful portfolio. I will be back again to look at newly posted pictures.



    Beautiful bird and very sharp. I find the left brench a bit distracting and wonder why you didn't PShopped it off? I think the photo will be more exiting if you do so. Just my 2 cts.


    In the Sun


    Just another 10 seconds and he will fall asleep :)

    Nicely captured. Like Ellen said, a bit too much light on the nose. Very relaxed photo.



    Fun In The Snow


    I think your shutterspeed was a bit to low. I always make this actionshots with at least 1/250. There was no exif information in your picture so i dont know what speed you used.

    Lighting is good imho. Nice action!


  2. I love this one. You did right replacing the background. Its so much nicer now.

    I read that you are very interested in ' shooting' dogs. I started with that last october. I go to a little lake nearby, make pictures, ask for emailadresses of the owners and sent them thumbnails from their dogs. Its highly appreciated and sometimes ppl want more.. :) and they ask me to come back for more pictures.

  3. what a wonderful photo! I'm going to Austria next week and hope to make some nice snow-shots. Perhaps you can give me some advice on the lighting? Your snow is really white and your sky is blue :) and i will have serious trouble to achieve that :)





    Carol, what a wonderful dog you have there!

    Its always difficult to make good pictures because of the black and white color. You succeeded very well. If i may suggest; when you have a background like this, try to use a F 3.5 and if that is not possible then try to make the background blurry with photoshop or paintshop. There will be much more attention to your dog then. (I hope i made myself clear. It's a bit difficult for me to think in english :) )

  4. I agree with Mark, just a little bit from the top will do great. I find the ring from his neckless (i cant find the right word in english) a bit disturbing. Wonderful dog , good DOF !
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