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rob wray

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Image Comments posted by rob wray



    Thank you for taking the time to comment on my image.


    The actaul series was done for a rock face area just down the road from where this image was taken. It was a spur of the moment thing but I liked the idea that it would turn out in this way. Unfortuantly the area was public so the cloth had to stay. I had a go at blending her in so a number of images were taken, I'll post one after this.


    Thanks again




    Ray of Light


    Congrats here, I think you have captured what you wanted us to see. I like the HDR effect to show us the great detail in the stone.


    Well done





    Quote: I appreciate what you have done - both your comment and your rating. With the anonymous 3/3 and 4/3 without comment I am not sure that I will continue my voyage here at PN. Thanks again and best regards,


    You have to ignore that part of PN when it comes to anonymous ratings I have got quite alot of 3/3 for my work and yes in the beginning I was a little put off from it but I plodded on.


    Do not allow small minded people put you off something that you enjoy and wish to persue. You still have a long way to go but that is the part the journey of learning something new. We were all at this stage at the beginning and have grown to to produce some wonderful pieces of work.


    It is how you see the world around you through your eyes.


    Ok the fun part LOL.


    The presentation of the flowers are ok I would lean towards cropping a little to the right, when your presenting the flower this is the main interest, you have the green leaves at the bottom of the image (Yes I know they are part of the plant :P ) these are distracting to the viewer. You could flatten the leaves so that they out of view making the image a little more pleasing to the eye.


    You have done really well by throwing the focus out of the background by using a shallower depth of field to bring the attention to the flowers.


    I have attached an image just to show you my thoughts that are offered only as a thought. I hope that you do not mind.


    I really do hope that you continue and blossom with the PN as it is a great community with a minority of small minded thinking people.


    Kind regards :)




    Palm and flowers


    Hi Bella, thank you for the visit and hey this image is snake like :)


    I like the way the plants lead you further into the picture, congrats on that :)


    Keep them coming.


    Kind regards





    That was really nice of you to say such things. I'm honestly touched, however your statement light years away is way of the mark.


    This was an unplanned shoot as in the location, we found a wood, I looked around for a while got some other shots, then found this log, two speedlights and ambiant light later we got this.


    If we push ourselves out of the comfort zone we can achieve alot.... Go forth out of your zone and do it!!!!! :)


    Thanks once again I'll have to post some of the other shots we did in this series.


    Kind regards



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