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ramsdell photography

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Posts posted by ramsdell photography

  1. <p>Hey folks! I have a Canon 9900 printer which I have liked, lately it seems that I am having trouble finding ink for it, most of the places I go carry only 6 of the 8 inks that are needed by the printer. (Who does that?) Did Canon discontinue some of its inks?</p>

    <p>Also I have noticed that unless I get the prints under class or some sort of covering they tend to fade quickly. Is there a place out there making archival inks for the canon 9900? Thanks all!</p>

  2. <p>Ok so today I went to go buy some more tmax developer, but all the store had was d76, (when I asked them if they had any tmax she said they only carry kodak..... :) ) so I mixed it up per the instructions to make one gallon. My question is, is that gallon that I just made stock that I can immediately develop with? Or do I need to dillute it down? Thanks.</p>


  3. <p>Is she trying to sell the photographs? Or is she just trying to build a portfolio to gain future work? If thats the case, is there really an issue here? I could understand if she was selling or even giving the bride photos that would have taken money out of your pocket, but if all she has done with the photos is post them on her site as an example of what she has done whats the harm? Granted she may have been a pest being your shadow, but did you talk to her at all to find out what she was doing? I know when I started in photography I was excited to meet any "pro" photographer. I found a great mentor when I was 17 in the man that photographed my brothers wedding, he would take me aside and point out how light was entering the church, how to compensate for backlighting etc. Granted I was just a kid but he took the time to help me, and in fact still does. At any rate, look at her intent before freaking out that she posted some shots.</p>
  4. <p>Hey folks! I hope the holidays are finding you well. I am working on putting up my own website for my photography and I am looking for a good place to host it. I am not making much off of my photography yet so price is a bit of a concern. Any recommendations for hosting? All my galleries are over on exposuremanager.com so I don't believe storage space will be much of a concern. What I am looking to do is have a site that has my resume/bio, rates, etc that will link to the galleries. Thanks for any info!</p>
  5. <p>As a kid I always took photos with what ever point and shoot I could get my hands on. Once I got to high school I took the photo classes offered because I wanted to be like my big brother. I kind of let photography slide for a few years until college when I took some more photo classes, became the lab assistant for the dark room, met my best friend who got me shooting for the school paper (my first assignment was a women's swim meet, who could resist lol) From there he helped me get a job at the local newspaper that I worked at for 3 years, not a bad job to have while in college. Now I just shoot for myself, picking up the occasional side work. would love someday to get back to photography as my primary job.</p>
  6. <p>Hey folks, I need some help, would like to get someone to look at my work, but for some reason I cant get any of my images up on the site for critique, (yes ever helpful admins, I know this is not the forum for critiques) My question is, is there a "normal" forum for that here, or is it that place where you upload? If you can help thanks, if you want to see my site, look in my profile. Thanks folks!</p>


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