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Image Comments posted by martijn_houtman

  1. Browsing your portfolio, I was struck by this image the most. Even though it's a bit blown out at the top (flare over her head), I think this is just a beatiful image. One thing: if her leg would have covered her breast, I would have liked the image even more (bit distracting, I suppose). If I could rate, I'd give it a 6/6.

    In a hurry!


    Good picture. Maybe a tad bit more contrast and a darker sepia, and I would like it even better. Well done.

    Oh, and please, CAPITALS only is hard to read and considered as shouting. Please use them carefully.



    Focussing was a bit hard (af gave up on me and mf on a 30D is hard), so the person is a tad

    bit out of focus. Do you still like the end result?



    Thanks, Darren. I appreciate your comments.

    I totally agree about the foreground leaf, it is distracting. And about the DOF, I am not sure ... I suppose you are right about putting more drops in focus. Thanks again!


    Very cool, I like the colors a lot. But one thing strikes me: is that an insect on the right-frontal side of the flower? I can't help to think I'd like to see it in focus ...


    ... I would have personally preferred a better composition, for instance a higher tilt which shows more trees in the background. Maybe a dog's perspective would have been nicer. I still like it though!



    I like the sharpness, it does remind me of pictures I've seen made by pinhole camera's. A relatively dull environment suddenly becomes more interesting. Nice shot!

    What makes you say you're getting tired of this forum? I think the responses are fair and meaningfull. After all, you asked for it!

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