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Image Comments posted by martijn_houtman


    I like this photo, especially the lighting in this dark setting. However, the model in the photo feels a bit misplaced. Maybe not looking in the camera and some different clothing (lighter?). Her position is good as is. Still a good photo though :)

    leen is candy

    Technically correct or not, this is a beautiful photo! Would have been better if she did not stare into the camera though. I like your B&W series btw, well done!



    Hey David,

    I was reading the forum post about pets and you asked for critique on your photo.

    Well, for one, I think this is a classic example of the photos mentioned in the forum thread: a photo can be interesting for one person -- be it because of emotional attachment or whatever -- for others it can be boring and 'yet another snapshot of a guy holfing a dog'.

    I think the person on the photo here would love to have this photo. The dog makes me smile, because it's making a weird face, but I don't know either the man or the dog, therefor this picture is not very interesting in that way. In an artistic way, this photo lacks depth in the sense of lighting, focus and composition. The front-flash makes the colors look flat and dull, and the composition of this photo is not very well thought-out (for instance, the upper left corner is very distracting). A better DOF could make this photo a lot more interesting as well.

    I am not saying this is a bad photo, not at all. I am just saying that for me, personally, this photo is not very interesting. On the other hand, for you, the man and the dog, this photo might mean a lot, and therefor it is a good thing you took this shot.

    Thanks and regards!


    Good photo, it's just too bad there's very few color levels on her skin. A softer look would have been better IMHO. Is this on purpose, or did you compensate the exposure or something?



    It was a little foggy, so the background contained lots of scattered light, making it lighter

    than the foreground. I've enhanced this a bit to create a more dramatic look. What do you


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