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keith foster

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Image Comments posted by keith foster

  1. Of course its real , I took many shots that day. In a spring tide and north east gale this happens regular , but on this day it was the worst in many years. Thanks Keith Foster
  2. Thank you Nathan, Julio and Terry. a particular thank you to Pascal for making me (officiously) the best photographer here in Chicago!!


    It was not easy to get this image because the waves were coming behind me too and I put myself in considerable danger. Keith

  3. Thanks all for your kind words - Neil and Rob, the white is caused by the unique light at the moment, the sky was moving rapidly and the light was coming from behind my right shoulder with very bright glimpses of sunshine over a stormy dark sky hence the bright white clouds above. Sandsend is unique for this when the low cloud breaks from of the sea. I converted the image into black and white with Aperture and purposely blew the whites to show what I saw in the moment. The print will look much nicer believe me.


    The grey wave was grey, because dirty water was dragged off the beach with the raging sea; the spray in front always breaks whiter.

    Thanks Keith


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