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Image Comments posted by alinux33

  1. In this case seems to be better the horizontal version, only if you get more from the path covering ~2/3 from the image and with the light trails in the upper part of the image completing the rest of it.

    Is just an opinion, the image itself is beautiful. Best wishes! Alin

    Forgotten Forest


    Thank you Darius. Yes, the vignetting is not natural, that was the part processed in PS that I wanted to accentuate in order to emphasize the broken trees.

    I'm glad that you like it and the D80 does a pretty good job on the noise level.

    It has just the over-exposure problem sometimes.

    Salutari! Alin



    Ne incanti privirea tot mai mult cu lucrari de finete si realizare tehnica execelenta. Asta e unul din cazuri. Tonuri, culori, detalii, de nota 10. As propune o varianta de crop daca nu e cu suparare. Numai bine! Alin

  2. Well done Alex! The shots covey very well the tension of the moment. Excellent angle. Probably it wasn't possible to get a longer shutter speed in that conditions, as another version for this scene, to have the silhouettes more blurred or the car in movement, but I would be curious to see how it looks. Very good work! Alin


    Woow, woow! Splendid shot Gabi! The colors, DOF, dynamic range and composition are excellent. The larger view is a splendor. Just a minor observation, in some areas the sharpening is a bit too much, otherwise is a splendid shot. You should print it in the largest format available. Congrats for your great work! Alin

    The gamers

    Merci pentru comentariu! Da, e un lac, stelutzele nu au aparut ca e doar F/4.5 @iso 800. Doar rama am adaugat-o in PS, restul cum a iesit din camera. salutari!
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