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Posts posted by nicolewhitephotography

  1. Hi,


    I also went to see Ansel Adams at the Bellagio, Las Vegas.

    Previous before seeing the work - and only seeing Ansels images in pages of books I thought they were good landscapes but I didn't like the Large DOF. There was no 'WOW' factor for me.


    After seeing the exhibition I must say, some (not all) of the images did take my breath away. The composistions were thought out and the technique was if not, almost perfect. I was inspired where I thought I would not be, and I was very glad to have seen the work of one of the best landscape photographers. It may not be my thing, but the work was inspirational.


    If you get a chance go and have a look, and make up your own mind.


    nic :-)

  2. Hi Robert,


    Yes I agree. The anonymous ratings can be completely unexceptable. I don't think these 'users' have much time on their hands, or they are not every educated on how much time and work goes into producing an image - which we sometimes reductinly post for critic.


    Although in the same respect - Photography is an artform and part of art is free expression.


    But I do think - that if you are going to leave a rating - which is very low, let the person know why you have marked it they way you have. IE highlights are out, composition is all wrong - something would be nice - otherwise we'll never learn.


    As much as these really low markings have annoyed me, I must admit it is benefical when I recieve bad and good comments from a 'member' or someone who knows there stuff. I have gotten really great tips along the way.


    Perhaps only paying memebers should be able to Judge?


    nic :-)

  3. Hey Bill - What a shame! It's always so disappointing when you travel across the world and losse photographs somehow. I can't image the equipment going.

    I have had two major accidents with missing photographs with my new digital. One in Cambodia - which was approx 1000 images. It was a planned out day too - I was really looking forward to the images :-(

    And the other in Las Vegas - which I carefully planned and took about 1000 night shots for my portfolio for tafe :-(


    Anyway - Sorry to hear the bad news!!


    nic :-)

  4. HeHe, you ask me my fav question.

    Places I have loved:









    Where I want to go within 2 years?






    I brought the Lonely planets -all countries to give me more inspiration for the coming years.


    nic :-)


  5. Hi Edyta,


    I had the same problem when the D70S came out. I wanted the D70 because it was cheaper and the only main difference was the bigger screen on the back. Now theres a model up coming out and I am sure you'll be able to purchase the D70S for a good price. I have been using the D70S for about 8 months and I really love it - haven't had any issues. (touch wood)


    nic :-)

  6. Hi Guys, Figured it out - thanks for your help.


    Yes with the good comes the bad. Which I think is great as I like to get a different view on the images I love.


    Getting a very low average doesn't change the way I feel about the shot, but helps my perspective on the way others see the shot differently.



    nicky :-)

  7. When we put our shots up for a critic, I have seen some comments in photo.net

    where specific Users are requesting feedback for why their images were rated

    the way they were.


    I am only able to see my average rating � not able to see for each individual

    shot received what ratings, and which User gave it the rating.


    Appreciate any assistance - how do I view this information?



  8. Hi,


    Planning to finally attend a Travel Photography Workshop early next year. I am

    keen for approx 1 - 2 weeks.


    I have seen many great workshops across the world, and I am happy to go to any

    country really in Asia, Europe or South America or perhaps something else. I am

    really relaxed about chossing a destination as I think the main purpose is to

    attend the workshop and learn something from the teacher.


    So, can anyone recommend a workshop they have attended, in or out of Australia,

    or perhaps you recommend a photographer who runs a workshop?


    A dream would be to attend one of the National Geo workshops with one of my

    many fav photographers, but being a student does not permit the thousands of




    nic :-)

  9. Hi,


    Planning to finally attend a Travel Photography Workshop early next year. I am

    keen for approx 1 - 2 weeks.


    I have seen many great workshops across the world, and I am happy to go to any

    country really in Asia, Europe or South America or perhaps something else. I am

    really relaxed about chossing a destination as I think the main purpose is to

    attend the workshop and learn something from the teacher.


    So, can anyone recommend a workshop they have attended, in or out of Australia,

    or perhaps you recommend a photographer who runs a workshop?


    A dream would be to attend one of the National Geo workshops with one of my

    many fav photographers, but being a student does not permit the thousands of




    nic :-)

  10. try joining a photography assosication. There are memebership fees but they do provide examples of contracts and usage of all their contracts as well. Not sure where you are from but in Aus there are two major associations 1 -AMCP 2 -AIPP - Hope that helps your search!

    Nic :-)

  11. Hi we are off to LA/ Los Vegas in September and I asked for some interesting

    places to take photos. Someone mentioned something about a helicopter dumping

    ground in the desert either near LA or Los Vegas.

    This sounded really interesting - does anyone know where I can find more

    information about this????????????????

  12. Hello - I am travelling to Los Angles and Vegas in Sep!


    Can anyone reccomend some places off the beaten track for shooting? I want to

    try and stay clear for photos from the norm tourist track!


    Thanks For any feedback



    Nicky :)

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