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Image Comments posted by sully

    Orton Effect

    Wolf, That was done by design. When using the orton effect you create a duplicate image apply a gaussian blur and relay it over your original image. It creates a "glow" to the image. Thanks for your comments.

    Father Nature

    John, I love this image. I don't know what it is or how it was done but I really enjoyed it. I am drawn to abstract images and this is one of the absolute best that I have seen. I love the design elements of color and shape.
  1. Interesting photo and social commentary. I keep focusing on the battery. I've heard you are not supposed to throw them away. I'm told you should take them t hazardous waste dumps. I throw mine in the trash which I think is better than this but probably not right. That is why this is a good photo, it gets you thinking. Well done.
  2. I think the cropped version enhances the image. It eliminates some distraction from the photo. Nice backlighting. This is a situation where the backlight helps to create an appropriate mood for the subject of the shot.


    Creative take on the theme. The shot looks real and not staged (it may very well be staged). It is intriguing to think about the possibilities; is she rushing home to get changed to go out again, was it at the end of a long day, is it a morning after shot. Well done.


    Lovely image. Color composition is interesting. Good choice of depth of field. The diagonal compositon gives movement to the photo. Very well done.
  3. John, A possible solution to your delimma is to do a composite of 2 shots. The first focused on the worker and the second bringing more of the foreground into focus. I don't think the foreground has to be real sharp but it should not dominate the shot. My personal preference would also be to place the worker on the lower right third since he is looking to his right. that would have him looking into the shot versus to the edge of your shot.
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