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Everything posted by dmcca

  1. They have shades. I tested the 24 & 28 with and without them. Prices seem to have gone up across the board. I went with Gus.
  2. Youxin is a busy man! CLA quotes for an MP: $280 YYE (4 months) $375 Golden Touch (5 weeks) $425 TLC (5 weeks) $485 DAG (6-8 weeks)
  3. Precision Camera here did the initial inspection. They works on Leica cameras and offer CLA. Is testing focal plane shutters for even exposure a thing? Should I been looking for a repair shop that can do that in addition to CLA?
  4. Hi, I'm having an issue with a Leica MP where the far left side of the frame is underexposed. I took the camera to a shop here in Austin and they mentioned that the shutter was slightly off at 1/500th and 1/1000th of a second, but they did not necessarily see how that would cause this issue. I've done some testing and notice the problem occurring specifically at those speeds. It is also much more visible on wider lenses (very noticeable with 24mm or 28mm).Any advice on how to tackle this? Standard CLR? Thank you Douglas
  5. I have an issue where my enlarger has to warm up for a few seconds to be in focus. This make no sense to me... even if the bulb needed to warm up, how would that affect the focus? I have an Eiko PH140 bulb in there and have the same issue when I bypass the timer. I was also thinking it could just be my eye readjusting... but it's not. It takes 2 to 3 seconds for the grain to come in focus after a few minutes of not being used. I'm printing a lot of 8x10s from 35mm negs and with my lens stopped all the way down my full exposure time can be as quick as 1.6 seconds. I've taken to covering up the whole sheet of paper and running the lamp a few seconds before each print and test strip... but that seems absurd. I can't seem to come up with anything trying to google this problem... anyone with condenser experience run into something similar?
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