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Posts posted by tom_levidiotis

  1. I know nothing about digital and will not voice an opinion about which camera to take. I have recent experience in various airports asking to have film and my M loaded with film hand-inspected and can report no significant additional time required and generally gracious compliance. I am told it doesn't matter, film slower than 800 will not fog but I am slow to accept such assurances. Happy flying and enjoy your time in Chicago.


    If it matters: I have found the TSA people respond very well indeed to any kind of complement. "I really appreciate your hard work" almost got me a date with (what seemed) a moonlighting retired prison guard (but kind of cute for an old gal) at Austin, Texas last winter.

  2. middle-aged, embarrassed to tell: 3 M-6s, 12 lenses if you count 5 VCs, film only. Embarrassed b/c I promised myself when I bought first M-6 (slightly over 2 yrs ago) that I wouldn't end up with 12 lenses as I did with my Nikon F. I wd use my head and learn to live prudently, training myself with one or two or certainly no more than three lenses. I wd spend my money and time on film and getting better at the craft. But then what Walt Whitman called "the mania of owning things" kicked in.


    I was hating myself for being such a hoarder until a couple of weeks ago when I was in NYC at a camera shop with an M-6 around my neck. A fellow shopper struck up a conversation. He was wearing the world's neatest (some sort of green leather, or was it ostrich hide bound) double stroke M-3 around his and let drop that he owned 12 M's. I still feel bad but not terrible.

  3. My limited experience(to window shopping price checks) on used Leica equipment in Holland, Germany and Austria leads me to conclude that prices are higher there. This is perhaps because of the tax (which I believe is on the order of 15%) but the prices I saw would still seem high without 15% markup.


    I also note that items offered for sale on this forum in Europe do not seem markedly less expensive.


    Buy before leaving US is my two cents worth.

  4. Thanks Kevin for your comment. I do not know why except too many people with too much money. I suppose what I meant about the 'lux is that idly blundering along I seldom see that particular model offered. It seems to me lots of 50 Summicrons, several Noctiluxes, lots and lots of other lenses, including plenty of VCs. My narrow view is that they must be highly-regarded b/c people seem to keep them rather than tradding in and out of them.


    My problem is insufficient data to form a really thoughtful opinion. Thanks again.

  5. What is a current reasonable price for a 50 summilux preASPH version?

    I note they are seldom offered for sale ("thinly traded" I think is

    the phrase). Is $1300 too much to pay for a good user? I note one on

    KEH's website for about that price, described as "bargain." I am a

    little wary of "bargain" grade lenses but wd really like one.


    Thanks for any ideas, comments or suggestions?

  6. FWIW I am of the "take it" camp. What's the sense of having it if you don't use it where it really matters, i.e., the archeological sites. On the other hand I have a chewed-up M6 "user" and a beat-to-death Nikkormat SLR to take to dusty unsecure places such as the beach. Perhaps a middle route might be to obtain a Voitlander or other lesser body.
  7. I am inclined to agree with Terrence. I have a chrome M6 and a black Rapidwinder and have used them together without thinking it looked all that odd or mismatched. Still, I can tell that I would not feel as comfortable using a chrome accessory on a black camera. I am esthetically sympathetic although not a fan of motorwinder.
  8. I agree with Harry. I do not understand the mean spiritedness. Reading this threat is -- at least for me -- supposed to be fun, goofing off, "wasting time." Paul is showing off his handiwork. Fair enough. You're not being asked to pay money to read his "test." Relax and enjoy it, or otherwise, vote with your mouse and surf elsewhere.


    The beauty of the forum should be in a lot of input from a lot of different sources. Some will be better than others and for a lot of different reasons.


    Having said that. I have the Ultron and several Leica lenses and do not find the Ultron to be of Leica quality -- although I would be hard-pressed to say exactly why. Maybe it is just the price.


    Happy Fat Tuesday!

  9. Nice work fellows. John, do you send out Adox 50 for processing? If so have you had problems with proper developing. I have just received a few rolls to experiment with and am worried about getting it developed (I do not myself, although I suppose that's next).


    We use the B&W lab at local college and they may be receptive to particular instructions. Any suggestions?



  10. I will stick up for the U.S. Postal Service. There is none worse. It has got to work better in Canada than here.


    It is interesting to note that the U.S. Courts in this district use Fed-Ex to deliver probation reports within the same town rather than entrust them to the post office. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (among others, I am sure) requires use of UPS, FedEx or some other commercial outfit rather than to send trasncripts and court records via U.S. mail, priority or otherwise.


    I do not know how it is in Mexico but I am willing to bet they get the mail there faster and more reliably than here.


    It is not unpatriotic to tell the truth.

  11. Capturing the moment is a job of work. Easier to talk about than pull off, at least for me. The business of shooting strangers in public IMHO is best pulled off behind the armor of a smile. Being small and female, it seems to me, would be a huge advantage. I agree with the observation that folks will let you know when they don't want their picture taken.
  12. Thanks Dr. Hoppe,


    It's not nitpicking to call things, particularly things of great cultural significance, by their correct name.


    It does not matter if one attaches any religous significance to the splendid artwork; it, the Western Church, the Vatican, St. Peter's and the treasures within are breathtaking and worthy subjects for photography.


    Here's a from-the-hip shot inside the Sistene (no picture-taking allowed) Chapel. M6, 21f2.8 400 Superia December, 2004.<div>00EsMc-27548284.thumb.jpg.000d39a40df114494157ebff1e1a9f67.jpg</div>

  13. Very sorry Dave to hear of your misfortune. I don't know how insurance works in UK but in States it is possible to "schedule" or specifically include particular items such as jewelry, firearms, or photographic equipment to overcome the limitations of one's homeowners or renters policy with respect to these items. It is a little expensive but provides some measure of comfort. Theoretically the items are covered anywhere in the world, including your car, from the enumerated hazards. Still, collecting any insurance claim can be a problem and no amount of insurance provides much comfort from the feeling of having been victimized.


    Sorry again.

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