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sabina dorneanu

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Image Comments posted by sabina dorneanu

    the three of us

    three becoming one at moments and disolving again into three when the time calls for it... i know the feeling and i wish it wouldn't be necessary, but it is, unfortunately. and then again, it can be fun or at least wise. regards,s.
  1. yeah... probably that's how she was looking before becoming marilyn, or maybe that's how she was perceiving herself while taking the pills... or that's only history, or her-story. actually, most slender women think they are looking just like that. i hope i'm not very political this time. there is also some humor in this, i guess:)

    In Water

    this is quite surrealistic. actually, i wouldn't get in the water looking at that menacing sky. it's got the same color as the sea and it seems that a deep mist is coming over... threatening, hitchcock-like, but awesome!


    there are so many things in this photo and in the title. that nevermore, maybe, induced somehow, the emerald green of the eye, as the secret essence found in the woods, in that sci-fi movie, made after stephen king's novel (i guess, not sure), the shadow under the eye - mixed impression of smeared mascara (feminine touch) and of agression (masculine touch), the way she looks back (in anger? in sadness? in remorse?), the unreal whiteness of the face...
  2. Powerful red! Looks like a vampire house, tinted in the color of the blood shed by the victims. The sky seems to be made of satin. Most of all, I guess I like the braches with no leaves on them, so desperate.
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