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sabina dorneanu

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Image Comments posted by sabina dorneanu


    excellent image and concept! like a tough, premature goodbye to childhood, like saying that if bad things happen to innocent beings, santa doesn't exist. there is sadness here..

    Missing You ...

    You mean me?! :) don't mind the joke.... however, something must have happenned, cause ken uploaded for critique. hmm... or was it by mistake? wrong handling or something... any mutation or some ufo phenomenon took place in your state lately? sure you checked? hahahaha, s.
  1. now that you mention the bicycle, i must say that there's a spatio-temporal flaw here. cause if the bike came from the "other world", how come it already managed to leave those wet marks on the pavement, and if t came from "this world", again, how come it left wet marks? (since this world appears to be dry...) is it possible that there are other "other worlds" coexisting with this "other world"? and if so, those "other worlds" are also wet? cause this is the direction into which the marks are leading us... not to mention that the itinerary seems a bit wavering :) which makes us think that it is not a good idea to "ride" between different worlds while drinking...
  2. well, the other side, the other woman, the other world always appears to be more interesting, more tempting than... this one. this one is ordinary, accesible, boring, banal. until we realise that the other one is just "a reflexion" of this one. sad, but true. or not sad. but still true. cheers, s.


    Really cool postmodern work! If I were you, I would apply the same treatment to a many different portraits, to see what's the reaction of the viewers. In my opinion, she looks a bit skeptical. But, as you already know it and as it is - isn't it? - the purpose of the text in your picture, the impression depends upon each one's point of view. Right? cheers, s.

    Ciao Eddie

    there are two graffitis here, one that was paid for and one that's made out of pure love. or not. well, it's got some hearts in it... and still, this guy feels like he needs earphones. ciao, alex!
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