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William Kahn

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Image Comments posted by William Kahn

    Johnson Barn


    Drew, thanks for your comments.  I'm not sure about the cupola either, but keep reading...


    So, John, I followed you again!  Your info about the barn is interesting, and quite different from what I got from one of the locals on the day of the shoot. He told me the barn was built sometime around mid-19th century by the Johnson family, so I just used that tag as a memory-enhancing file name.  Actually, your information now makes a lot more sense.  It does look like more like a schoolhouse than a barn, with the windows in the side.  My local source told me they were for loading hay to various parts of the barn for even distribution.  Who knows?  The cupola also makes sense for a schoolhouse, thinking of it as a bell tower.  Although, if it was built as a barn, the cupola could have been part of a ventilation system of some kind.


    Ten-Mile is an interesting area.  I'd like to get back there and do some more exploring - as soon as the price of gas comes back down, or I win the lottery, whichever happens first...

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