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William Kahn

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by William Kahn

  1. Not only incredibly sharp, but the depth of field as well.
  2. Well, it's complicated. I was an army brat, born in San Pedro, California, but never spent more than a couple of years in one place. After Pop retired, we moved to Aurora, Colorado, just in time for me to start high school and graduate from CU Boulder. So, I have to say that Aurora is my default home town. Unfortunately, I don't have any shots of Aurora, so this one from Windsor will have to do.
  3. The Brauner family, Schulenburg, Texas, ca. 1945. (I'm the short kid in the front row.)
  4. Well, of course, there are several level of "irkness" in any job, ranging from mild irritation to thoroughly p....d off. Over the years, I've had far many jobs where the PO level far exceeded any work satisfaction. The only exception was working as a wilderness ranger with the U.S. Forest Service for the last five years before finally retiring. Contact with other humans was rare, so my irkness level was low...usually. When I finally "retired" into doing photography, my one rule was: Never shoot anything that moves or talks back. It works well for me. Another thing that helps is writing poetry (https://www.amazon.com/Sea-Change-William-Morris-Kahn-ebook/dp/B010ISU620}.
  5. I shot this in January, 1950 (age 10) with a cheap p&s camera. The building is a US Army R&R hotel near Yokohama, Japan. My mom and I joined my dad there when he rotated out of Korea. It was the beginning of a one-year stay in Japan.
  6. One of my first ever shots, at age 10 with a cheap point-and-shoot camera. Shot near Yokohama, Japan, 1950.
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