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William Kahn

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by William Kahn

  1. I agree with the previous comments about the number of files you would have to save unless you edit down those 1000 shots. Being another old guy, I'm also am wary of cloud-based storage. My solution is to back up all your photo files on several different hard drives and portable drives that you can take with you when you travel. That way, you're covered in case something happens to your home-based storage while you're gone. (Did I mentioned that I'm a bit paranoid?)
  2. Monitor M131-1, River Assault Division 131, Vietnam 1970
  3. My grandfather, William O. Gower, Pearl Harbor, 1941
  4. Canon 5D2 1/15 sec. f/25 ISO 160, Sigma 150-600 @ 200mm
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