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Image Comments posted by mario2


    I like the contrast and the frame,about the DoF I think that needs a litle bit,the light captured in that moment was strong, but you knows take the best.Greetings


    This kind of light and the frontal angle, gives the flower a very good shape against the black botton and cause a nice effect,well done.Greetings

    Ghost Ship

    I'm a beginer in PS,I like the efect and the light atmosphere, looks like to fly in the sky,I propose to include the full Moon, maybe seem better...Greetings


    I like in general, the detail is very good... and the frame for me is ok, but when we put ours photos to critique,we expose that to be critiques about all,at the end a photo has:frame, color,light and a lot of technical attributes...About tastes theren't nothing write...Greetings

    Morning Glory

    This image should never be considered with a low rate, this kind of photo is well done; the frame,the exposure and the composition is very good. Greetings.

    Abstract 2

    I like the point of view and the prespective with a medium lens, this new lens capture very well the details...do you have the old macro af-d 105mmm?, if yes...in your opinion has more accuracy the new lens or the old lens?

    Three's A Crowd

    This is a beautiful capture, into the zoo is dificult to take a real good images, is necesary to expend a lot of time observing the animals.Greetings


    I like the frame and the angle,about the tone... everybody has their point of view, but in my imho looks like a litle bit dark, maybe +0.7,+1.3ev to show us more detail at the trunks or by curves without modify the sky.Greetings
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