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will king

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Image Comments posted by will king



    Great capture. I really can't say anything negative about this photo. I love everything about it. I looked through your portfolio and all of your photos are breath taking. Perfect exposure on all of them. Truly inspiring work.




    I love the colors but it doesn't look real to me. I'm sure if you were trying to achieve a surrealistic feel to this photo but I don't think you can pass this off as a "real sunset" photo. The sky has an extremely warm tone while the sea has an extreme cool tone and there is absolutely no blending of the two. Normally water reflect the colors of the sky and this is not the case here. No negative feedback, but just not appealing to me personally.


    I love the mood of this photo. THE DOF is excellent. Did you use photoshop at all to blur the clouds, or did simply setting the apeture at 20 achieve this effect?
  1. Anndra,


    You have become one of my favorite potrait photographers on photo.net. I love the way you use photoshop to brilliantly accent certain qualities of a face. It seems as though you did someting a little different with this one. Whatever you did worked. I love it. With all the enhancements you doen with this, it's amazing you it maintained it's clarity. Great job. I'm so jealous.



    "What else can I do to make it better?"

    My answer is not much. This is an excellent photo. Nice lines, nice composition. The only thing I would suggest is to lighten it up. It seems a tad too dark. Other than that, an excellent photo.


    Great shot. The only thing that bothers me about this shot is the little portion of the sky. I would have gotten more of the sky or left it out altogether.
  2. Jim,

    Great detail in the water. You can even see underneath the water. Beautiful. Just a though: try drooping a rock in the water and take the shot to get a ripple. Might add one more facet to a beautiful nature shot.

    Mirror river

    I kinda agree with Fay. I could put my finger on it when I first looked at this image, but it looks fake. I think I would have liked it without the mirror effect. Thomas, I not sure if you realize but the mirror effect is from side to side not top to bottom.





    Great job here. I really like this portrait. It's certainly not boring to look at. Great detail in the hair. Excellent composition. One minor thing...her eye lid seems a little too light. It doesn't flow with the rest of the tones. Great job.

    Jimmy Auld




    I like your style. Most people get what you're doing. Some don't. I like the fact that you took an ordinary portrait and made it have character. Sure, if you did not manipulate this, it would be just another boring portrait, but you did indeed manipulate it and made it interesting. There is no crime in that. I think it takes talent and creativity to do something like this. If people want a perfectly composed, unsharpened, tradional pcitures, than I say go to Sear's Portrait studio at the mall. Your photos seem to tell a story about the subject. It makes me actually think about who this guy is and what he has been through. Each wrinkle tells of a struggle...another year gone by. I don't think this technique would work on every subject, but you have done a marvelous job on this one. You should be proud of your work.





    I love your 3 landscape photos as well as your macros. I do have to admit that this is my least favorite. Although this is a breath taking scene, and is better than anything I have taken thus far, it still fars short of your previous work. I would like to have seen more of the ocean. The water crashing into the rocks and the beach itself look unreal. It maybe the flash that hurt you. Again, still a great photo. I really look forward to seeing more of your shots.

    Autumn spirit

    Absoultely stunning. I would love to see this photo taken again in a week or two when the leaves start turning red. The only thing I would change would be to aim the camera down just a bit to add the land at the edge of the lake in the foreground to extend and meet the left bottom corner. Beautiful photo as is all of your shots.
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