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will king

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Image Comments posted by will king

    Autumn's Hue




    Great shot. Very sharp. I love the reflection. I would have liked to have seen this same shot maybe taken 2 weeks ago when the leaves were still on the trees with red/yellow colors. Beautiful nonetheless.



  1. I like most of your work. I really think you are great with photoshop as displayed with some of your photos. Having said that, this is far below the quality you have in your portfolio. I don't even know what to say about it.

    Kentucky Fall A1-e




    My favorite time of the year as well. I like the composition of this photo. Nice detail in the leaves. I'm going to be taking some shots in Shenandoah Valley this weekend. Hopefully they will be as nice as this one.





    Nice shot. The only thing is that you have a lot of noise in the sky. There's a filter for Photoshop called Noise Ninja that fixes that. I took the liberty. Hope you don't mind.




    Looks like someone did the helicopter tour in Vegas. Nice photo. The only thing I would change is to crop some off on the top. You have a bunch of black night.



    No problem. Again, I'm just in the learning phase so I could be completely wrong with my suggestions. Feel free to look at my portfolio and critique it. It seems as though, overall you are a better portrait photographer than I am. I would mind hearing your suggestions. Thanks.





    Aaron, I'm a beginner and far from being an expert so take my comments with a grain of salt. I looked through your portfolio and it looks like you are becoming a good photographer and your shots are better than average. You show skill and creativity. Having said that, here is my humble opinion on this shot. It's too plain. To be frank, this shot could have been taken by this girl's 4 year old brother. It's a snapshot and nothing more. The leaves hanging down from the leftt and right side of her head are distracting and does not flatter her. Suggestions are, pick a different pose, different angle, and different location. Show creativity. Please don't take this as insulting because I am learning too.





    Robert, great shot. Perfect composition. I'm not a stickler for the rule of thirds, but this picture would be in the dictionary as an example of the rule of thirds with the horizon at the top 3rd and where the waves are meeting the beach at the bottom 3rd. I really like the reflection of the sun on the shallow water. Again, great shot!!!



    Second sun II


    Dude. Where have you been? This is amazing. I just looked thru your portfolio and all your stuff is breathtaking. A little on the unrealistic side, but since I'm not a purist, I like it. I noticed you used PS. I know a lot of people on photo.net are PS haters, but my thoughst are if you can make it look better, (not more realistic) but better, than I'm all for it. In the details you said "12 source images are manually stitched in PS" What does that mean? You used 12 shots and merged them with PS? Please explain. I would love to learn how to create stuff like this. Thanks.



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